Event: cpmduel
Scheduled: 11:45 CDT, 10 May 2012 to 15:00 CDT, 10 May 2012Schedule: Passed
What svr and Noobs Anonymous once did, I am doing now. #cpmduel channel is hosting 1st #cpmduel NEWBIES cup. This cup is intended for people inexperienced with cpm, people who are curious to try it and people who are in cpm for a short period of time. This cup is not intended for Warsow or Quake veterans who are new to CPM! It's aimed towards european players so matches will be played on euro servers. Registration will open 45 minutes in advance of the tournament (10:00 CST). If you want to play make sure you're on IRC in #cpmduel channel on QuakeNet.
Help&Links: CPMA wiki, How to install cpma, Q3A map archive, VODs1, VODs2
Update: After loooong night of cpm 1v1 action we were spectating awesome grandfinal where mda|DEZ defeated WB champion lowR. Final results are: mda|DEZ, lowR, WTFProoF
Edited by xou at 17:56 CDT, 8 September 2014 - 17798 Hits