Event: cpmduel
Scheduled: 10:30 CST, 19 December 2013Schedule: Passed
neverGreen and memphis from #cpmduel channel is hosting another challenge promode #cpmduel NEWBIES cup on 19th December,17:30 CET. This cup is intended for people inexperienced with cpm, people who are curious to try it and people who are in cpm for a short period of time. This cup is not intended for Warsow or Quake3/QL/QW veterans who are new to CPM neither for medium skilled cpm players! It's aimed towards european players so matches will be played on euro servers. Sign up here. Check-in will be opened at 17:00 CET. If you want to play make sure you're on IRC in #cpmduel channel on QuakeNet.
Stream: noproblemTV
Links: How to install CPMA, CPMA downloader, Q3A map archive, Q3 PRO Installer, #cpmduel
Edited by xou at 18:00 CDT, 8 September 2014 - 20050 Hits