During the past couple of weeks, a lot of things have happened, and because I'm awful at organizing things on the fly, I'll make a list, and perhaps it'll work out OK that way. Here goes:

1. I finished my end-of-year exams, thus moving into the summer holidays (\o/) and being able to slack off a lot. I got 39 (3x6's and 3x7's) total points out of 42 possible. I was satisfied, as all subjects were as expected.

2. I realized I'm not over the girl I should have been over already - obviously. To add insult to injury, I was then around her for the following 3 days a lot (think same jacuzzi for 3 hours (with 5 other girls, mind you)), and then she left for England for 5 weeks on an English course. Right now I lack closure. I tried to make myself forget it, but I haven't, and I hate it. Why does male-female social interaction (;)) have to be so difficult?

3. I expanded my music collection by a lot. New artists include Static-X, Metallica, Coldplay, Oasis, Godsmack, Nirvana and Enya(!). That's what too much free time does. Currently pissed off at missing the Metallica concert in Finland last week.

4. I watched the whole LotR trilogy through yesterday! 9 hours of movie goodness. The films are just fantastic - unlike The Day After Tomorrow, the effects don't make the film, they just help to move a fantastic plot along (thank you thank you thank you Tolkien). Probably gained some weight during that, much candy, soft drinks, chips and other junk food was consumed!

5. I reached 666 posts on ESR. Totally insignificant, but oh-so plusworthy! Hooray, I'm evil!

Thank the gods for lists, now that that's done, I can tell you all that I'm meeting all 15 of my clanmates this weekend at one of the guys' summer houses. A booze-filled weekend of fun and games (without games). And thus my pointless journal of pointlessness draws to yet another end.

I'm bored - I hate this limbo between disappointment at losing the girl and the joy of getting the girl - there's nothing to feel, it's just "Oh, well, that's dandy".
