With the LAN quickly approaching I have another portion of update for you. Most important is that due to having enough money for the rent we can move the signup pay deadline to a later date which is 10th of September. If you want to play, then form a team beforehand and don't wait until the deadline.

Another update is about the maplist. Since last update I was gathering opinions about the maplist and map picking system and gave all signed teams possibility to vote for a change. Results can be found here. Accordingly we decided to switch the map picking system to drop / drop first and stick with the selected maplist.

During this week we also got QL LAN servers from id software, so let's hope my HDD won't crash until the LAN. id also promised QL awards for attendees, so if nothing else, you can sign up just to get an award. I am still working on actual medals / trophy for winners, more info coming in next update.

Some people asked me if it's necessary to bring their own mouse / keyboard / headset. It's not really needed, since it's a gaming place and they have all of this. But if you want to use your own stuff, every computer has USB / audio hub, so feel free to bring it.

There is also number of players who are looking for a team. If you really want to go, please form a team together and sign up before the deadline! Coming to LAN and forming a team onsite is really bad idea, since it would just screw up the schedule and annoy people.

If there is anyone interested in any kind of help or sponsoring, please let me know. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments or #lan-prague @ Quakenet.

Links: esr Previous post, District cafe, YouTube Debtorr's invitation, mIRC #lan-prague, QuakeHistory page