I should be studying right now but here I go again. Wasting some precious time on this site. I really should consider moving my journal over to Tumblr.

Anyways, I ended up having sex with that Spanish girl today. I just can't believe it. It was incredible. Not the sex. But just how quick it happened. It was so spontaneous. She just asked me if I wanted to go to her room and one thing led to another. I was a little worried the whole time that her roommate might barge in any second but she never did. I had a really good time and I think so did she. This girl was fucking loud though! I had to cover her mouth with my hand because she's one of those moaners and she was so loud. I honestly kind of thought it was arousing at first but in the end it was more annoying than anything. I don't know if she smelled like shit, because I bathed before this, but I reeked of like ass, like what in the fuck... I didn't even like the sex that much, she had a weird body and her ass just didn't do it for me and some weird marks on her legs. Whatever.

I'm eating Easy Mac and trying to freestyle with my boy. We are such wiggers sometimes. I hit the gym, and I feel really good, though I probably shouldn't be eating this Easy Crap. But, anyways, I really still find it sad that Jamerio is still probed and how other people are probed. If I was made Admin I would assess everyone's behavior and find a better way to do this. I wouldn't even have probation, I would either ban or not ban. Easy... then again I don't know how hard it is to administrate this site. Xou seems to ignore the stuff I write to him, whatever, and Demi still hasn't told me if he plays Quake Live. Not that it matters, I want to quit playing Quake Live. But anyways, I was thinking about sexual harassment today and I made like a break through mentally. I was like "WOAH" and the thought was just so crazy and intense... I can't remember it anymore, I should've written it down.