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125 FPS QC DUEL SUNDAY CUP#14 (24 comments)
Posted by Nico_QD @ 13:17 CST, 9 November 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 09:00 CST, 12 November 2017 to 16:00 CST, 12 November 2017
Schedule: Passed

The 125 FPS Quake Champions Duel Sunday Cup#14

Bracket: (will be available in 1-2h before cup start)

Donate: 125FPS Paypal donate link; 125FPS money links (bitcoin, yandex-money, webmoney)
Streams: Russia 125 FPS, Russia 102, Russia Polosatiy, United Kingdom zLive, United Kingdom nvc; Quake streams
Links:125FPS Balance 2017; 125FPS Discord
Edited by Nico_QD at 13:19 CST, 9 November 2017 - 10387 Hits
125 FPS QC DUEL SUNDAY CUP#13 (13 comments)
Posted by Nico_QD @ 09:31 CDT, 3 November 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 09:00 CST, 5 November 2017 to 15:00 CST, 5 November 2017
Schedule: Passed

The 125 FPS Quake Champions Duel Sunday Cup#13

Bracket: (will be available in 1-2h before cup start)

Donate: 125FPS Paypal donate link; 125FPS money links (bitcoin, yandex-money, webmoney)
Streams: Russia 125 FPS, Russia 102, Russia Polosatiy, United Kingdom zLive, United Kingdom nvc; Quake streams
Links:125FPS Balance 2017; 125FPS Discord
Edited by Nico_QD at 10:50 CDT, 4 November 2017 - 9062 Hits
Announcing the #cpmduel League (16 comments)
Posted by xero- @ 14:46 CDT, 29 October 2017 - iMsg
We're proud to announce the #cpmduel League which will kick-off on November 11, 2017. This will be a weekly league, where players are split into three divisions: Invite, Main, and Beginner, and play other players in their respective division each week. After players have played all their group opponents once, the top players of every group, will face their rivals in the same division in a single elimination play-off bracket. Due to the nature of this league, things will be a little sophisticated, and we anticipate having different rules in terms of play-off advancement for the different divisions as they will have a different amount of players.

The admin group includes: Czech Republic neverGreen, Finland gaiia, and myself (Canada xero), with Slovakia Kimi|AHK, Russia DEZ, and Russia veliars acting as referees.

Links: cpma #cpmduel League Discord Server, cpma CPMA Discord Server
Edited by xerosawyer at 19:13 CDT, 1 November 2017 - 14760 Hits
125 FPS QC Duel Sunday Cup#12 (19 comments)
Posted by Nico_QD @ 08:46 CDT, 6 October 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 10:00 CDT, 8 October 2017 to 15:00 CDT, 8 October 2017
Schedule: Passed

The 125 FPS Quake Champions Duel Sunday Cup#12

Bracket: (will be available in 1-2h before cup start)

Donate: 125FPS Paypal donate link; 125FPS money links (bitcoin, yandex-money, webmoney)
Streams: Russia 125 FPS, Russia 102, Russia Polosatiy, United Kingdom zLive, United Kingdom nvc; Quake streams
Links:125FPS Balance 2017; 125FPS Discord
Edited by Nico_QD at 09:52 CDT, 6 October 2017 - 16804 Hits
125 FPS QC Duel Sunday Cup#11 (20 comments)
Posted by Nico_QD @ 08:30 CDT, 15 September 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 10:00 CDT, 17 September 2017 to 15:00 CDT, 17 September 2017
Schedule: Passed

The 125 FPS Quake Champions Duel Sunday Cup#11

Bracket: (will be available in 1-2h before cup start)

Donate: 125FPS Paypal donate link; 125FPS money links (bitcoin, yandex-money, webmoney)
Streams: Russia 125 FPS, Russia 102, Russia Polosatiy, United Kingdom zLive, United Kingdom nvc; Quake streams
Links:125FPS Balance 2017; 125FPS Discord
Edited by Nico_QD at 08:47 CDT, 15 September 2017 - 11780 Hits
125 FPS QC Duel Sunday Cup#10 (16 comments)
Posted by Nico_QD @ 05:05 CDT, 8 September 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 10:00 CDT, 10 September 2017 to 15:00 CDT, 10 September 2017
Schedule: Passed

The 125 FPS Quake Champions Duel Sunday Cup#10


Donate: 125FPS Paypal donate link; 125FPS money links (bitcoin, yandex-money, webmoney)
Streams: Russia 125 FPS, Russia 102, Russia Polosatiy, United Kingdom zLive, United Kingdom nvc; Quake streams
Links:125FPS Balance 2017; 125FPS Discord
Edited by Nico_QD at 05:09 CDT, 8 September 2017 - 10820 Hits
125 FPS QC Duel Sunday Cup#9 (23 comments)
Posted by Nico_QD @ 05:24 CDT, 1 September 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 10:00 CDT, 3 September 2017 to 15:00 CDT, 3 September 2017
Schedule: Passed

The 125 FPS Quake Champions Duel Sunday Cup#9


Donate: 125FPS Paypal donate link; 125FPS money links (bitcoin, yandex-money, webmoney)
Streams: Russia 102, Russia Polosatiy, United Kingdom zLive, United Kingdom nvc; Quake streams
Links:125FPS Balance 2017; 125FPS Discord
Edited by wn at 20:21 CDT, 5 September 2017 - 13130 Hits
clawz: "Everyone can give me a hard time, it is about ..." (208 comments)
Posted by RadoNonESR @ 02:10 CDT, 31 August 2017 - iMsg
Last week Belarus Nikita "clawz" Marchinsky walked the ‘royal road’ at QuakeCon 2017 as he lifted the trophy, both the duel and the Sacrifice tournaments, in his first attendance of the annual event. This was the first time Quake Champions, the latest iteration of id’s 90s hit FPS, was played on a big. Over the course of the three-days long event, the 19-years old Belarusian won matches over a number of players, including legendary names Cooller and Vo0, losing only two maps in the process. Several days after the dust has settled, Inven Global had the opportunity to ask the young phenom a number of questions in regards to the event, his past and future. Here is an excerpt:

How much time did you actually spend in practice and preparation? Please describe what does your preparation consist of.

Me and my team were spending around 5 hours each day on playing sacrifice. Basically, we were only playing scrims, improving our team and personal skills. For duel, I almost didn’t practice, only played a few games before the UK LAN (the European QuakeCon qualifier) against top tier players, and before QuakeCon I, played few games against Xron to feel the flow. So, for duel, I just analyzed how it works and was mostly preparing mentally.

Make sure to read the full interview at

If you want to keep tabs on all my future content you can do so by following me on twitter at @RadoNonfire. Hope you enjoy and feel welcome to let me know what you think about the interview!
Edited by Nukm at 14:43 CDT, 31 August 2017 - 91676 Hits
Some Thoughts on Duel Post-QuakeCon 2017 (6 comments)
Posted by azxx @ 07:05 CDT, 27 August 2017 - iMsg
# Disregard clawz and his lightning gun rushes for a moment, because I want to ask: conceptually, could Quake Champions duel evolve into the most defensive form of it yet? In Quake Live, we saw the increased importance of the first spawn and first frag due to the drop in time limit from 15 to 10 minutes. In Quake Champions, we have what is essentially a 3 death limit within a 5 minute time limit, along with sudden death overtime.

I think we will be seeing players go to overtime pretty often, with many intentionally pushing for it. In my opinion this will result in not as many clutch moments, and it also greatly reduces the hype of an overtime game.

The limited deaths could be masked as higher stakes and thus higher thrills, but these higher stakes could cause players to take lesser risks. One could say that there's more rounds now which means more chances, but in my eyes it's just a repeat of the same elements and the round system has broken momentum.

# Increasing the base health and/or armor of some characters could be a way of allowing players a bit more freedom in taking risks and fights, but I think we should wait for the meta to develop further (and maybe even saturate) before making such changes.

# Dodging seems almost non-existent unless you're playing with a smaller, faster character. I miss the unexpected moments when a player could come out on top of a fight by using their dodging to assist their stack disadvantage.

# A few kills were quite anticlimactic. Here's one example. Maybe this is subjective, but at the very least that moment should have been a slightly longer engagement.
Edited by Teen Queen at 05:03 CDT, 28 August 2017 - 12045 Hits
A Spectator's Thoughts Post-QuakeCon 2017 (7 comments)
Posted by azxx @ 06:57 CDT, 27 August 2017 - iMsg
I'd like to preface this by saying that since QuakeCon 2017 was the first event for Quake Champions, it is important to keep in mind that things can only improve from here. As the game finds a footing and the production teams become more well-versed with its nuances, we should be in for better times as spectators. Not to mention other events hosted by other companies (Dreamhack, for example) should come out a better product.

At the same time, this is a different era. Companies and events that become involved in QC should not use the guise of 'learning experience' to take their sweet time in bringing things up to the level we should all expect from an esport production these days. Things have been lagging behind for a while now, especially at QuakeCon events, so if ID Software has plans on QuakeCon becoming The International of our scene, they better speed up their efforts.

The same goes for the on-air teams. Just as how Quake Champions has a been a sort of reset button for the scene and the competitors, it should be a reset for the on-air staff too. Let's not pander to personalities and critique them all equally, whether they are old names from Quake's heyday or new names wanting to ride the wave.

The Quake/ESReality communities have not been forgiving, and for good reason (a discussion for another time). So let's keep that going and channel it into reasonable criticism that helps improve the scene you care about. Stop giving blind support and pats on the back just because "it's Quake".

When watching duel, it is not instantly clear what player you're watching, and it is also not obvious when the POV changes. Having the name in the bottom left isn't doing enough. This needs to be worked on and made more obvious. Also, if we're going with assigning players as blue and red, having more unobtrusive accents on the spectator HUD may help in making things clearer when the POV switches.

ESReality member wata made a post that is a very good start for what needs to be done.

Speaking of FPS games only, I have always believed that spectating team modes in games that had more degrees of action was a subpar experience (unless you understand how to play them, which is a moot point for discussion). Before anyone says it, past modes like TDM or CTF are also a mess when watching, so I don't think dropping Sacrifice for one of them is a solution. Counter-Strike, Rainbow 6 Siege, and maybe certain modes in modern Call Of Duty, are about as far as it goes for a balanced viewing experience. But when we start pushing it with games like Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, Unreal Tournament and Quake, it becomes a visual mess where at times even the casting is convoluted.

I'd like to be proven wrong though, so here's some feedback:

- Improve observing. Apart from game-related elements such as spectating tools and HUD, there needs to be actual effort put into observing, or even hiring someone proficient, to help improve what the viewers see. This will obviously be very challenging because of the pace of the game, but eliminating dead player screens on stream, as well as using good angles and focusing on the soul when it is being tossed around, would be good first steps.

- Improve commentating. I understand that with time the casters will get better at casting Sacrifice, but they must focus on pace and delivery since I'm sure Sacrifice in QC has slightly different demands from a CSGO or MOBA match. Also, having at least one of the casters have a playing background, or be a current player himself, will help a great deal in making sense out of the situations for the viewers.

Technical issues
While there is no denying that it was too early for the game to make this big esports jump, seeing the game stutter or freeze in a live match is disappointing. Regardless of the root of such problems, the game is in very urgent need of fixing a multitude of technical problems to at least make it pleasant for players, especially since there are more events very soon.

- I'd like to add that the death message that says "Fragged by <weapon icon>" with the name underneath should be reworked. In my opinion, the name of the opponent should be part of the "Fragged by" line, and the weapon icon could either be underneath the line or alongside the opponent's name.

- At a future event, it would interesting to hear the comms of the Sacrifice teams in small bits at certain moments. I think it would be an interesting insight to how some top teams play.

- 2GD was on the analyst desk for a short while, but his input was pretty good. I believe he might still be a great fit as an analyst or co-caster. Top level playing background and experiences from a more recent era, along with the ability to put the point across, means that he is already a level above almost all the other analysts/casters at the event. DDK and ZSX were not bad at all, but in my opinion they still have a little work to do.

- This is wishful thinking, but it would be very interesting to see players like CZM, Jibo and Fox to see how they would play QC. Hell, a part of me would be interested even if Fatal1ty gave it a shot.
Edited by Teen Queen at 05:03 CDT, 28 August 2017 - 35600 Hits
Quakecon 2017: Quake World Championship - Finals Day (878 comments)
Posted by Asuka_ @ 21:10 CDT, 25 August 2017 - iMsg
The biggest quake tournament we’ve seen in many years, the Quake World Championship, is coming to an end at the final day of tournaments action in Quakecon 2017. This is the end of the line, the grand finals, there’s no longer room for gambling or doubt anymore, it's time to win, and get a place on the glorious list of the biggest champions in Quake history

Stay tuned for more action in Saturday 26th at 09:00 CDT

Brackets: Sacrifice Bracket, Duel Bracket
Live streams: twitch Quakechampions (main stream), twitch Quakechampions 2 (2nd stream), twitch Russian Stream, twitch Quakecon, twitch Bethesda
Links: Quakecon Home, Quakecon 2017 guidebook, Toornament, Team Liquid Wiki, tweet @QuakeCon
VODS: ytube Quake Champions PRO, ytube Poloz QuakeTV
Edited by Asuka_ at 23:27 CDT, 25 August 2017 - 471910 Hits
Quakecon 2017: Quake World Championship DAY 2 (549 comments)
Posted by Asuka_ @ 21:23 CDT, 24 August 2017 - iMsg
After an intense first day, the Quake World Championship second day promises even more exciting fast paced action at the Quakecon 2017. Sacrifice group stages are over and there are only 4 teams remaining going into the semifinals, the match ups are: Europe NOTOFAST vs United States of America Liquid and Europe 2z vs Europe The defendants. All-super-star team NOTOFAST seems to be doing great at the moment and is pretty much demolishing all opposition they encounter, so could the americans make an upset? they are pretty much all against the odds, that’s for sure. Meanwhile In the second match we got 2z with an strong performance so far in the tournament that seems to give them the upperhand over The Defendants, however, we’ll prolly see the later ones put a hell of a fight to get an opportunity to get into the grand finals.

Duel action has pretty much just getting started with only one round taking place in the first day of QuakeCon, nevertheless, we already witnessed incredible action and some pretty big upsets regarding the first round of the group stages of the Quake World Championship.The most crucial ones being: Hungary Raisy (a pretty much non-quaker and mostly a CS player) demolishing Sweden Tox on LAN, just as in the Regionals, american new blood dueller United States of America dooi beating old QL dark horse France strenx in a 2-0 fashion, the day by day stronger swedish player Sweden fazz beating last year Quakecon’s runner up Russia evil, and of course, the old legend and russian superstar Russia Anton Singov, better known as Cooller, completely destroying United States of America rapha in a both shocking and amazing 2-0 (6-0) performance.

Stay tuned for more action in Friday 25th at 09:00 CDT 12:00 CDT

Brackets: Sacrifice Bracket, Duel Bracket
Live streams: twitch Quakechampions (main stream), twitch Quakechampions 2 (2nd stream), twitch Russian Stream, twitch Quakecon, twitch Bethesda
Links: Quakecon Home, Quakecon 2017 guidebook, Toornament, Team Liquid Wiki, tweet @QuakeCon
VODS: ytube Quake Champions PRO, ytube Poloz QuakeTV
Edited by Asuka_ at 21:14 CDT, 25 August 2017 - 240115 Hits
Quakecon 2017: Quake World Championship DAY 1 (374 comments)
Posted by Asuka_ @ 19:13 CDT, 23 August 2017 - iMsg
It's time! The day has finally come for the Quake World Championship at QuakeCon 2017. Players from all around the world will come to United States of America Dallas, Texas for a chance to compete for a $1 million prize pool. In the last past years (with the declining of Quake at the e-sports main reflector) players have been competing mostly for legacy and glory only, and even one French man said that the game was too old already that no one had nothing to prove anymore. Well, now this is a whole new game and a whole new field, the big money is back and along with it is also the big and fierce competition. This also will be the first Quakecon to feature the new Quake title from id: Quake Champions, some strange version of the long awaited Quake 5, and pretty much the last opportunity for the Quake franchise to get back to the big stages of competitive gaming.

Brackets: Sacrifice Bracket, Duel Bracket
Live streams: twitch Quakechampions (main stream), twitch Quakechampions 2 (2nd stream), twitch Russian Stream, twitch Quakecon, twitch Bethesda
Links: Quakecon Home, Quakecon 2017 guidebook, Toornament, Team Liquid Wiki, tweet @QuakeCon
Edited by Asuka_ at 21:25 CDT, 24 August 2017 - 144127 Hits
Quake Con 2017 (2 comments)
Posted by SaturdayEveningPost @ 13:37 CDT, 23 August 2017 - iMsg
When?? : August 24th to 27th

Where? : The Gaylord Texan | Dallas, TX

Please feel free to fill in all the stuff I did not !
Edited by Lam at 17:07 CDT, 23 August 2017 - 7885 Hits
125 FPS QC Duel Sunday Cup#8 (26 comments)
Posted by Nico_QD @ 09:54 CDT, 17 August 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 10:00 CDT, 20 August 2017 to 16:00 CDT, 20 August 2017
Schedule: Passed

The 125 FPS Quake Champions Duel Sunday Cup#8

Donate: 125FPS Paypal donate link; 125FPS money links (bitcoin, yandex-money, webmoney)
Streams: Russia 102, Russia Polosatiy, United Kingdom zLive, United Kingdom nvc; Quake streams
Links:125FPS Balance 2017; 125FPS Discord
Edited by Nico_QD at 16:39 CDT, 20 August 2017 - 9700 Hits
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