Scheduled: 16:00 CST, 21 February 2016 to 20:00 CST, 21 February 2016Schedule: Passed
The Spring 2016 season kicked off in style last month and it was the largest North American Duel Cup to date. Big thanks to everyone who participated and donated to make that happen. The season continues this Sunday at 16:00 CST, 21 February 2016 (please note the time change). As always the event is open to the public and
signups will become available a few hours before the start time. Thank You For Quakeing!
Double Elimination
WB semi, WB final, and LB final are BO3. All other WB and LB matches are BO1
Grand Final is a BO3. The player from the LB must win two consecutive BO3 to win the cup
To prevent seeing the same maps twice in the Grand Final map selection for the second BO3 is pick-pick
Map Selection
Coin-toss winner is awarded the choice to drop first or second.
BO1: drop, drop, drop, drop, final map is played
BO3: drop, drop, pick, pick, final map is tie breaker
Volunteer Admins
Minimizing delays is key! Having one more person watching the brackets and helping out players in #duelcup irc is a huge help. Interested parties should contact me via pm, irc, or steam.
Furious Heights
Blood Run
1st Place $80.00 USD
2nd Place $30.00 USD
3rd Place $10.00 USD
Monetary payouts for North American Duel Cups are made possible by community donations. You can view the NADC Cash Flow here.
updated Feb.21
Players will be assigned points at the end of every NADC. The farther a player progresses the more points they will earn. These points are added up at the end of the season in order to rank and seed the players. The top eight (8) seeds will be invited to compete in the season playoffs. If a player is unable to participate their playoff seed will be given to the player below them until we have eight (8) players able to compete in the season playoffs. Standings for the current season are available here
Spring 2016 Schedule
Jan. 31 - NADC #12
Feb. 21 - NADC #13
Mar. 06 - NADC #14
Mar 20 - NADC #15
Apr. 03 - NADC #16
Apr. 17 - NADC #17
Apr 24 - Season Playoffs
Playoff Fund
Once the prize pool for a single NADC reaches $120 any additional donations made until that cup is over will be put into the reserve fund and used towards future cups and/or towards the season playoffs. Direct contributions towards the season playoffs can be made by including a message along with your donation. The money will be distributed according to your instruction. You can view the NADC Cash Flow here