Broadcasting Schedule for the week of April 5th 2010:
20:00 CDT, 5 April 2010: QuakeNight 2v2 TDM - Darkside vs LMF
21:00 CDT, 5 April 2010: QuakeNight 2v2 TDM - IAM vs NOTE
21:30 CDT, 8 April 2010: The QuadCast Episode 17
12:00 CDT, 10 April 2010: SilentGamers Duel Cup Qualifier

Live feed at:

We are not only providing coverage for the SilentGamers Duel Cup qualifiers but also the highly anticipated invitational portion of the event on April 17th. Make sure you mark that date in your calendar and stay tuned for additional announcements regarding participants and seeds.

Over the last several weeks we've been testing the streaming service. As a result we've received a great deal of positive feedback from the community regarding the stream quality. We do strive to bring the best quality QuakeLive coverage possible. We want to encourage those that have not yet seen our new stream to tune in this week to check it out and let us know what you think.