my new favorite is from VehicleAI.cpp:

//HACK: always choose player as the enemy... something is broken somewhere,
// and this is a quick way to get some gameplay out of this for now. Deadlines pwn.

// Fixme! Is this safe to do immediately?

// Fixme! Better guys should drop better stuffs! Make drops related to guy type? Do something cooler here?

and around that /* DONT DROP ANYTHING FOR NOW

those raven guys are poets

Ai_states.cpp: (really like that :)

//FIXME: head, too?
//FIXME: from joint to parent joint?
//FIXME: not small joints...

and potheads


// FIXME!!! FIXME!!! This should be unreliable - this is very bad
networkSystem->ClientSendReliableMessage( outMsg );