If any of you have tuned into my recent Quake Live 125fps coverage you'll have seen the All The Rage logo on the lower right section of the screen. That's the Twitch team I created with a bunch of friends.

When the NDA drops on 12th May several of us will be streaming, outside of team practice anyway. There are some familiar faces that I'm sure you'll recognise... obviously from Dark Souls (Fazz) or H1Z1 (Fazz and Noctis) :D!

Carnage: http://twitch.tv/carnagejohnson
DraQu: http://twitch.tv/draqu_
Fazz: http://twitch.tv/fazz
GaRpY: http://twitch.tv/dignitasgarpy
Noctis: http://twitch.tv/noctistv
nVc: http://twitch.tv/justnvc

You can find all of our streamers on the main page: http://alltherage.gg

Our Twitter automatically tweets when they're live: https://twitter.com/AllTheRageGG/status/861610895872577537
