new config working at 60fps with no texture pops and texture detail on

youtube video running on

AMD FX 8300 @ 3.6Ghz
Ti 750 - not overclocked

if you want some pure 4k bling, you want this

config :

bind "+" "toggleconsole"

com_showFPS "1"

com_allowConsole "1"
win_allowAltTab "1"
win_consoleVisibility "1"

g_fov "88" //default 80
g_gibImpulse "83700"
g_hardcoreMode "1"
g_infiniteAmmo "0"
g_projectileImpale "1"
g_showGameLog "0"
g_showGuis "1"
g_showHud "1"
g_skipViewEffects "0"
g_weaponShowRibbon "1"
g_weaponSwitchDelay "110"

g_waterForceGenerate "1"
g_runFrames "0"
g_permaGodMode "0"
g_gravity "1066"
g_explodeOriginEnts "0"
g_drawBob "1"
g_drawCrouch "0"
g_drawSway "1"
g_drawTVSafe "0"

ai_bloodSpray "1"
ai_bloodSprayDeathTimeOut "15000"
ai_bloodSprayDist "54.0"
ai_bloodSprayIntervals "160"
ai_bodyGoreThresh "140.0"

gc_friendlyFire "0"

in_anglespeedkey "0.8"
in_invertLook "0"
in_joystick "0"
in_joystickRumble "0"
in_mouse "1"
in_pitchspeed "110"
in_yawspeed "110"
m_menu_sensitivity "0.29"
m_pitch "0.046"
m_sensitivity "2"
m_showMouseRate "1"
m_smooth "1"
m_vehicleMouseControl "0"
m_yaw "0.046"

view_blurTime_max "1200"
view_blurTime_min "40"
view_doubleVision "1"
view_doubleVision_max "0.12"
view_doubleVision_min "0.04"
view_doubleVisionPeriod "260"
view_doubleVisionPeriodEffect "0.045"
view_doubleVisionTime_max "426"
view_doubleVisionTime_min "150"
view_showPlayerDamageViewEffect "1"
view_drawDMG "1"
view_kickAmplitude_max "1.78"
view_kickAmplitude_min "0.3"
view_kickTime_max "240"
view_kickTime_min "80"

v_steerControlRate "2.4"
v_steerControlTargetSpeed "216"
v_dusttime "0.8"
v_handbrake_cam_lerp "34.0"
v_simpleCameraMode "1" //2

veh_visual_dust_scale_min "6"
vehicle_showHealthStatsOnSpawn "1"
vehicle_showSpeed "1"
vehicle_transferPlayerAmmo "0"
vehicle_swerveForce "1200"
vehicle_god "0"
vehicle_fpsDriver "1"

atv_speedZeroFraction "0.64"
atv_steerWeight "0.8"

com_captureTGA "1"

vt_maxlockedpages "2048"

//megatexture size [terrain] - goes on physical ram GB
r_mode "10" //1280X1024
//r_mode "6" //720P
vt_useCudaTranscode "1"

vt_pageImageSizeUnique "8192"
vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly "8192"
vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly2 "8192"
vt_pageImageSizeVmtr "8192"

vt_qualityDCTChroma "36"
vt_qualityDCTLuma "28"
vt_qualityDCTNormal "80"
vt_qualityDCTPower "70"
vt_qualityDCTSpecular "50"
vt_qualityHDPDiffuse "100"
vt_qualityHDPLossless "1"
vt_qualityHDPNormal "50"
vt_qualityHDPPower "46"
vt_qualityHDPSpecular "80"

vt_specularDynamicHighThreshold "64"
vt_specularDynamicLowThreshold "32"
vt_specularDynamicMediumPercent "56"
vt_specularScale "1.4"
vt_specularThreshold "0.3"

r_logFile "0"
r_jitter "1"

textlod_areaStep "64"
textlod_blockShift "32"
textlod_distance "64"
textlod_viewSize "8"

r_detailDistancePixelThreshold "8"
r_detailFadeDistMax "32768"

r_foliageBigFadeDistMax "16384"
r_foliageSmallFadeDistMax "16384"
r_foliageStartFadeDist "16"

r_sb_occluderFacing "0"
r_sb_parallelPolyOfsUnits "16"
r_sb_polyOfsFactor "8"
r_sb_polyOfsUnits "16"

renderbump_fastObjLoad "1"
renderbump_pumpInterval "256"

mt_genShowTexelBump "1"
mt_genShowTexelWorldNormal "1"

vt_upsampleFilter "2"
vt_upsampleNoise "3"
vt_upsampleSharpen "100"
vt_interleaveCount "56"
vt_maxppf "8"
vt_minlod "-2"
vt_lodBias "-2"
vt_maxaniso "2"

vt_reducePopping "1"