I have installed minqlbot to manage my server. The main reason for the bot was to create an 'elo gateway' so that only players with an elo between say 1400 and 1800 were allowed to connect. My own elo is in the 1600 range so this seemed like a reasonable place to start. The bot seems to work but the elo restriction function doesn't. In the config file the variables called MinimumRating and MaximumRating determine the elo gateway. I have set these but to no avail? Has anyone else had experience with this bot and knows how to configure this aspect? Also someone mentioned another server management bot called mitchbot.
Where do I get mitchbot as I could not find it with Google. Do I have the correct spelling? The reason for installing Minobot was because I'm T3 one day and T4 the next. I used to use skill matching but my server would end up with many 2000+ elo players. Sometimes even 2300+! The skill range in T4 is far to great for an average player like myself. An elo gateway seems much more sensible as the skill range would be more limited. Any help in sorting out the elo problem with Minobot or a link to mitchbot would be appreciated. Thanks in advance