Let's try to have a discussion or at least some basic pointers about HOW THE EVER LIVING FUCK DO YOU DODGE PLASMA?

I am absolutely mortified at how I get stomped by plasma. It does not matter if its long/mid/close range. People can hit easy plasma on me. I try my best to dodge, but I just attract it. Can someone tell me how the hell, whats the secret.

Most people have bad plasma aim, including myself, but even then, they just hit amazing accuracies on me. I understand that sometimes this happens, but not consistently.

It feels like I am a plasma magnet. Now I have heard that TN makes you easy to hit for PG, but seeing as I have a high ping conn, usually staying in the 80-100 area (stable tho), I pref to use TN.

So tell me, dear quakers, how the hell do we dodge that annoying plasma which can turn games upside down much faster than rockets/lg/rail.

Also, one option would probably be disabling TN, but as I stated above, can't do that. Because of that, can someone write a toggle TN bind? :)

Looking forward to some interesting, creative responses.