I've started doing a Syndicate Wars playthrough and uploading the videos to YouTube. Will be adding more missions as I complete them and writing an explanation of what goes on in the description.


Making this run as efficient as I can, not losing any Agents and researching certain items as they are needed. Money is really important at the start of the game so doing correct research and loot as many items as possible is a must. Once a few banks have been robbed, quite early on it makes it alot easier. Also getting to arms, legs and body level 3 early really helps... and collecting the epidermis'

http://syndicate.lubie.org/ - great fan site with just about every piece of information you could want for the syndicate games.

http://swars.vexillium.org/ - a port to make it run easily on new computers.

http://satellitereign.com/ - new kickstarter being developed by the guy that made Syndicate.