this may be of interest to some people here. maybe not, w.e.
as more and more game modes come up, it becomes impossible to adjust the HUD precisely. so i made a complete new setup and use a different HUD for each gamemode, simply by triggering each element separately. atm i only use 3 game modes, it looks like this here


f.e. there are 2 different scoreboards, as in FFA and RR i want to have the board with names, in other modes only the small and basic one with numbers. Health-colors work differently in CA (color changes @80hp). Sometimes theres a clock, sometimes not. And so on, as needed for the game. This worx nicly so far, much better then before. With triggering the gamemodes manually its also possible to add some cfg-commands like teamoverlay, weaponbar and switchtoempty "0" in CA. Maybe bind mouse5 dropweapon for TDM, and bind mouse5 droppowerup for FT. just some neat stuff that comes in handy

theres also a teamcolor like this that would be used in CTF and Domination:

im not playing other gamemodes like CTF, TDM atm, so i leave this open. the config trigger looks like this:

bind KP_INS "vstr ybl_hud" // 0
seta ybl_hud " vstr ybl_hud_ffa"
seta ybl_hud_ffa " set ybl_teamcolor 0 ; set ybl_health 1 ; set ybl_obit 1 ; set ybl_time 1 ; set ybl_score 1 ; set ybl_playercounter 0 ; cg_weaponbar 3 ; set ybl_hud vstr ybl_hud_ca ; cg_switchtoempty 1 ; loadhud ; print FFA "
seta ybl_hud_ca " set ybl_teamcolor 0 ; set ybl_health 2 ; set ybl_obit 2 ; set ybl_time 0 ; set ybl_score 2 ; set ybl_playercounter 1 ; cg_weaponbar 0 ; set ybl_hud vstr ybl_hud_rr ; cg_switchtoempty 0 ; loadhud ; print CA"
seta ybl_hud_rr " set ybl_teamcolor 0 ; set ybl_health 2 ; set ybl_obit 1 ; set ybl_time 0 ; set ybl_score 1 ; set ybl_playercounter 1 ; cg_weaponbar 0 ; set ybl_hud vstr ybl_hud_ffa ; cg_switchtoempty 0 ; loadhud ; print RR "

heres stuff, not cleaned up, but working:


i made something similar in wolfcam, but not gamemode based, only seperate triggers for each element.