I am, as I write this, streaming a duel between MAZAA and noubl on Aerowalk. I'm now into the second day of the second week or streaming Quake LIVE duels. I use the Top-5 matches list on QLRanks.com to find the games I stream. I do this mainly because I cannot play during the day, but I am able to at least watch some games. So then I figured I'd stream what I was watching and maybe a little extra.

So far it's about 6-7 hours a day during the weekdays streaming. While the stream is in fact broadcast in 720p, the game itself is running at 1024x640. The quality of the stream is fairly low as well, about as high as I believe I can get it without dropping any frames. The stream runs at 30 FPS and can be found on my Twitch channel here: http://twitch.tv/everamzah