Hi there, I'd appreciate some suggestions for a mouse that would suit me. I'll tell you about what I'm using/what I'm looking for

• Current mouse: Deathadder 3.5g
• Preferred body-type of mouse: one that is not completely ambidextrous
• How I hold my mouse: claw style
• Current dpi setting: 900
• Number of buttons preferred: five or six (side buttons must be on left side)
• My lift-off habits: I generally tend to lift off my mousepad a fair bit, but I'm not too sure how high off. I don't stay on my pad but I also don't rise it completely off I think

the DA has served me well, but I'd like to try something new. and meaningless as it may seem, the side-buttons are actually too loud. they make an annoying huge click noise whenever pressed, which is something that the mouse I'm looking for must not have.

So, in summary, I'd like a mouse that is:

Good for claw grip users, has 5-6 buttons, has good lift-off distance, can go higher or lower than 900dpi, is not extremely loud, and is not completely ambidextrous. of course, other things like 'not being cheap/breaking easily' and 'doesn't have any skipping/tracking issues' go without saying.