Too much fluoride via toothpaste/water/salt letting devastating aluminium traverse the brain barrier causing neurological IQ lowering while also shutting down the pineal gland (third eye, intution, imagination) due to calcification and fluorosis, mercury via contaminated seas and vaccinations shuttind down the brain and producing blood capilar problems that go mostly unnoticed but handicaps for live, GMO food with "playing to god" genetics, Aspartame in diet beverages that is an exitocin damaging neurons, alcohol being one of the most toxic stuff you can use compared with most of the supposedly "hard drugs", same for tobbaco that is a killer while pot is a known healer hence suppresed by big pharma, hemp is one miraculous herb with vast uses till it was suppresed by cotton/sintetics interests. Sadly money talks, truth is dead, and justice, people cant handle truth at this point, the vast majority is at the denial stage, yet. Living in separation, rather than oneness. A prison planet for spirituality.

I leave you with 2 tubes that is just a start for those interested in the well being of themselves and people in general. If we dont fight for our rights as human beings together, no one is going to do it for us.

