jo so now that I'm paying taxes (about as rich as Jamerio by now) I'm looking into purchasing a few electronic essentials and would be glad for some helpful input

1. new mouse (about 35eur)
got an MS 3.0 atm but need a 2nd mouse for work notebook, might either use 3.0 there and buy a new gaming mouse or use another 3.0 or something, any thoughts? no wireless crap, needs thumb buttons for forward/backward

2. tv/monitor (about 200-300eur)
found out my new flat has digital tv only (about to come anyway) which my old tv can't do. will either go for new large monitor or new tv. is it ez to get tv onto pc so i can use the monitor for it as well? would save space + money that way =) won't play much but won't hurt if it's 120hz tft either

what about this? Samsung SyncMaster P2470LHD

3. mobile (about 250-300eur)
looking into motorola defy but apparently it's borked so will have to wait for them to fix it or look into something else. would love to have android but what I basically need is outlook exchange access, some sort of navigation and long uptime.. so something more traditional might do the job, too. if it has no camera it's a bonus as I'm not allowed to have one at work, they'll rip it out and I'll lose warranty anyway. :-<

gogo input =)

edit: added some price ideas