Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Maybe there's one good thing we can learn from World of Warcraft. People often complain about QL being too elitist... it's too difficult for new players. In a game like WoW, you start out with only about 3 skills. Over time, you develop new skills. Imagine if you started out with all the skills a level 85 player had. You would be lost. That's how it is in Quake. What if, in Quake, there was a system allowing players to gain 'experience', learning one Quake skill at a time? Once you've reached the highest level, and learned therefore, all the skills needed in Quake, you start playing against other players (meaning, you start out with only a machinegun, fighting enemies in an effort to learn the pro's and con's of the machinegun; then you move on to the shotgun, etc., and etc., after that).

Also, WoW would be better if the Horde used a communist economic system.