1) Lose weight, I've put on loads the past 6/7 months due to quitting smoking, the past month i've been eating shit loads and drinking a fair amount of beer. This has lead to me becoming quite the tubster.

2) Start martial art, I've always wanted to do this, I'm hoping it will be a confidence boost and maybe a good chance to get fit.

3) Run a marathon

4) Move out. I'm hoping to do this within the next month or so, but I'm not sure if I can count on my friend, he loves to blow his whole pay cheque on pokerstars. He's got a kid now (born 30/12/2010) so I'm hoping he's gonna start being more grown up with his money.

5) Start fencing, not quite sure how or where, but I think it will be fun.

6) Get SSD (waiting for the prices to drop on +100gb)

Happy 01/01/2011 everyone.