Hi there,

So i'm bored waiting for the non-24hour Tesco to open (i need to buy some mushrooms to make spaghetti bolognaise!!), so i decided to quickly update the config pack that was on my old site since i updated a couple of things for myself, and host it with www.levelupyourgame.net

So what's included?: //////////////////////

Quake Live:
- Player Config (Autoexec.cfg)
- Custom HUD
- Player Custom crosshair
- Streaming Config (Streaming.cfg)
Screenshot of Player HUD: http://tinyurl.com/y7f686k

Quake 3 Arena:
- Player Config for CPMA (qzconfig.cfg)

Call of Duty 4:
- Player Config (config_mp.cfg)

Call of Duty 2:
- Player Config (confg_mp.cfg)

Team Fortress 2:
- Player Config (autoexec.cfg)

- CustomGUI as adapted for leveluptv by Sozou of RaikunGUI
Screenshot of Menu: http://tinyurl.com/y289cal

Download: //////////////////////


Enjoy :)