Back for its 25th episode, the Starcraft Weekly brings you a ton of information this week on both the Korean and non-Korean scene.

United States of AmericaSC_Terran Artosis officially released the IEF Suwon 2009 player list for Starcraft, which is not posted anywhere else, he talks about the WCG grand final groups that were recently released, Korea (Republic of)SC_Protoss Nal_rA’s interview by United States of America lilsusie, Justin.TV Starcraft Invitational, NetherlandsSC_Zerg Rets first day in Korea, Pro League, OSL, MSL, a battle report of Korea (Republic of)SC_Terran UpMagic vs. Korea (Republic of)SC_Terran Iris, Starcraft 2 Battle Report 4, and more.

Episode 25 [VOD]