The R3spect 4v4 TDM tournament, with 24 teams from all over Europe, just ended and we can guarantee that we will continue the r3spect series of tournaments on OSP (1v1, 2v2, 4v4, CTF), of course CPMA (1v1, 2v2, 4v4) and QL. Our website is still under construction, but we expect it to be up and working really soon, so stay tuned! All the players will have to sign-up on the page to acquire an account, and afterwards they will be able to register their own clan.

The grand final between Poland Team Poland and Europe MiEL-GAMiNG was played on Monday and there were as many as 200 people on the GTV watching the battle. MiEL-GAMiNG was absolutely unbeatable and didn't lose a single map during the whole tournament. Also some other teams like QCG, empowered with proZac (sajje), or wCm, SP and skillz united showed some nice results. After the grand final, I interviewed France link1n, Poland kertaL, Sweden zyvve and Poland zik (available in English in this news).

Big thanks goes to all the people who helped us with the tournament: Czech Republic Hawr1x, Czech Republic Smasher, Czech Republic Hudy, France xou, Russia 1fall|Danmer, Czech Republic eJo

Demos - Tournament Brackets - Interviews
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