A little less than 1 week after the Stamina 1 finals took place, we are proud to announce the results of the top 4, but before we get to that, thanks go out to the 300+ people who participated in this open tournament. It was a long month for some, but I’m sure it was well worth it.

Thanks go out to Fnatic.Ash for helping players during the event when there were lag issues, thanks go to ICCUP for of course letting us hold the event on their server, thanks to PsyonicReaver and MoleTrap for casting some of the VODs, and last but not least, thanks to Artosis for not only running this event but casting most of the VODs himself.

The complete VOD list looks like this (There are spoilers within this list of games. Some of the matches only lasted for 2 games instead of 3, so you will find that in some of the matches there will a fake 3rd game listed so you don't know the results right away.):

Guess the top 3 results

Out of the 40+ people who submitted their entry to this contest, there were only 2 people who came close to guessing correctly. Most people had F91 in their top 3. Unfortunately, there is no winner for this contest as nobody guessed correctly.

What happens to the $50? The money will be added to the next Stamina tournament contest where you will be able to guess the top 3 from that event, which means the contest prize is being raised to $100.

What is the Stamina 1 tournament? Click here for more information