Obsidian wrote on ClanBase Clanbase:

After the monthly statistics I thought there might be some interest for a yearly overview of the work of our Cheat and Abuse department. I gathered the statistics for cheat cases stored on ClanBase for 2008.

First some totals
In 2008 we suspended 7032 accounts with a total suspension period of around 21000 years, which makes the average suspension 36 months. Not every human is unique, some might return with a new account, some get suspended multiple times. A few people have been suspended 4 times, however most players are suspended only once.

Overall numbers
The number of suspended players per game might not come as a surprise after last months rampage. Call of Duty 2 leads the ranks with 41%! The entire Call of Duty line of games makes up for 55% of the suspended players.

Most people are cheating in a public server!

See more pie cake pictures (cheats per game / type of cheats / cheats per day) and read the conclusion from Obsidian|CB.
If you really want more statistics hopp over to Crossfire Crossfire and read the article from MalteseFalcon.

Cheat on \o/

Source: Clanbase