January 8th was the MBC Star League (MSL) group drawing for the top 32 players who either qualified in the MBC Survivor Tournament (MST) or were seeded from the last MSL event.
This season is sponsored by Lost Saga, a new video game in Korea.

Last night was very action packed as the gamers were brought out one by one and entertained their fans with special walk-in intros like UpMagic's list of MSL players that he lit on fire and made it sparkle, Bisu's dance imitation of the Korean singer Bi Rain, Magma's bull dog face, Bul_T's version of the latest Wonder Girls dance, Nada's call to the camera as he threw a 1-2-3 boxing combo into it, Hwasin's dark sunglasses to imitate Bi Rain, and FireBatHero's partially seductive striptease as he turned his back to the crowd and took off his jacket to show the screaming female fans the top of his back that had no shirt on.

The man of the night was originally supposed to be the three time MSL winner Kim Taek Yong aka Bisu, but that was short lived as eSTRO's Magma shocked the crowd by calling out all of the "6 dragons", aka the top 6 Protoss players in Korea right now Bisu, Stork, Kal, Free, JangBi, Best), saying he isn't afraid to play any of them and that he usually calls them the "6 raptors" at home, since they're so small in size when compared to dragons.

Nada, Stork, Kal, were among many of the people who were moving Magma's name on the group stage board back and forth into their group, hoping to get a piece of this monster Zerg player, but in the end it was Bisu who had the last chance to move around players names and he stuck Magma in his group to make it Bisu (P), Savior (Z), Magma (Z), and Zero (Z) in group A.
Many fans and critics laughed at Bisu for putting Magma in his group, as he said the reason for doing it is that he wanted to make things interesting, but many people know that he likes to give himself an easy group to improve his chances later on. (Protoss vs. Zerg is Bisu's best match up and the best Zerg vs. Protoss player in the group Savior, has a 1-5 record vs. Bisu)

The 2009 Lost Saga MSL top 32 and groups look like this: