Heya everyone,

I once said here that I could write a system that calculates player skill and puts them into skillgroups, and never delivered.
I just played 20 completely senseless minutes of pickup ctf and I am bugged enough to actually write the system, so my question to you is:

How would you calculate the players ctf skill?

Take my MAXstats page from spontangames for example. What I would do is divide the score by the total number of games played for that month. This way all the points awarded are calculated and not only the frag points like MAXstats does to get player efficiency.

For me that would look like this: 1+5+10+5+1+9 = 31
1387/31 = 44.7419
For a top player like kane this is 2784/49 = 56.8163
Or abso: 895/12 = 74.5833

Checkbert thinks the maxstats data is somehow wrong and I can't use the numbers since abso never finishes a game with less then 100 points. He seems right but I can't say exactly. What I need in the end is a high number for the people who are really good and don't play all the time.

So when the efficiency is calculated, the players are being put into these groups:
Top, good, average, poor, newbie
So when 10 players are added in the channel, the bot calculates the skill for each player and creates balanced teams automatically. Hopefully this will bring more exiting games for everybody.