Finally; i decided a few days ago that working in three volunteer writing positions was too much, especially when i was giving them time for free and putting off paying gigs to do this free stuff. No queries equals no money eh?

So, i decide that i should only be devoting my time to one. I choose one, and quit the other two. That night, i sleep heavier than i have in a very long time, and i am exhausted from the emotional drain i feel when i quit something.

However, the universe must be smiling on me that i quit two of them. The day after i quit two of them, the CGM/Massive EIC about doing three stories for his two publications. When i told him about one of the guys i was tracking down to interview, he liked the guy's story so much, i have clearance to do an article ONLY on him. Which makes four very good possibilities of me being published with them, provided i dont hand them a piece of shit story full of bad grammar, spelling errors, and crappy transitions. which i'm not worried about. Even my BF2 Team HOT interview got 5000 reads. I could write this video game crap in my sleep, especially if it's interesting enough. it always is. And if i do really well, i will be 1200-2000 dollars richer out of this. enough for me to finally get a laptop.

So, already, i get the assignment on Monday, then i tell him on Tuesday that i can have the article done by Xmas. i got the ___ interview secured, and the ____ _______ interview secured. Got my questions sent out to both ___ and ____ _______. The only ones I'm still waiting to hear back from are those guys at ___. If they do not respond to me, i will be emailing _____ _____ this weekend to see if i can get an answer out of him. If i don't hear from him, i'll just email someone at the ___ to see if they will talk to me.

I even got my sidebar interview secured with _____- that's happening tonight. How cool is that - i not only got approved to write an article about ________, but even the biggest ________ team on the internets agreed to talk to me.

I'm only missing one interview, and if they don't reply soon, i dont mind; i can always find someone else who wants & appreciates the publicity. The rest is taken care of :D

Oh, it feels so good to be on top of my game finally. Feels good to be devoting time to my own goals instead of constantly devoting them to other people's goals. I kept waiting for certain people to hand me the torch, thinking that after all my volunteer efforts, one would finally pay off for me, and look what happens when i quit. Two doors close and four open. This is a milestone and the beginning of a new era for me. The funniest/weirdest/biggest thing is, if i listened to all those people back in the beginning who made fun of me and tried shooting me down, i wouldn't have any of what i have now. God, how terrible of me - I used to think it was such a big deal when even just one person gave me negative/mean responses. i would agonize over it for way longer than i should have. i dont know what i was thinking...

cheers to the pursuit of happiness and dream chasing. I've wanted this since i was ten. And It's only up from here.

*sorry to put blanks in there, but i can't talk about the story or who im interviewing, at least until after the story's published.