Hi, I've been a long time follower of Quake III, I got it the month it was released but never actually played it online. I have always had a high ping, making it impossible for me to play online, or when I occasionaly (once a year) did, I just ended up getting raped and couldn't hit shit cause of my ping. So instead of playing Quake, I stuck with mods like Urban Terror where ping wasn't much of an issue.

I've followed events, enjoyed watching demos and had fun raping bots for the past five years now. I've tried CPMa but never got hooked. So now with the rebirth of Quake III and the boom of vq3 cpma I thought I'd really give it a try (the netcode seems better).

So, now I'm looking for someone with, like me, almost no real Quake experience who wants to start playing quake. Maybe someone who comes from UT2k4 or a different game and who wants to start but is too afraid of getting raped (like I am) by old timers at first. Someone I can train with for a bit before getting to play better players later on.

I'm available most of the time after 18h CET, feel free to answer in this thread of PM me on this site.

Help a noob, let a noob help you!

Thanks in advance.