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Rating: 6.5 (1 vote)
This is a teaser for the upcomming clanmovie. Mainly it's purpose is to hook you into downloading the full movie when it's out. Created in approximitely 8 hours, and experienced stress of the coresponding HDD dying at the last seconds of the render. (:E) Good quality, nice frags, and so on and so on. It's only 30 mb anyway, so enjoy yourselves.

For more information, feel free to contact us at #unpredictables on irc.quakenet.org / http://u.ut1site.com

Uploaded this here to ESReality just to see what others think, since ESR ratings usualy are something like own-age.com divided by 2.

Edit: The screen layout has been changed 100 % in the movie, here in the trailer however, it are simple borders, anyway it'll be way different in looks.

Download off own-age.com