I don't get it. I can easily beat noobs 20 to -4 on Areowalk or Bloodrun. And what I mean by noobs is not the guy who just came in and doesn't know what to do. I can easily beat someone who's not new but who hardly gets control over the items (probably because I get the control of the items before him).

I don't pretend to be a pro but I know the basics for sure (items, counting, etc). My aim average is about 20-21 % which I know could be better...

BUT, when it comes to duelling someone better than the ones I beat it's a total chaos. I don't understand how and why. More importantly, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I very often get a good start. I have this reflex that as soon as the game starts I get to the closest item (RA or MH). I usually manage to have a very good stack.

But then I somehow always lose my first fight with the opponent. This is due to some shitty rockets that splash to me or what else...

Can anyone help me? I'll try to upload a demo of a game on which I get destroyed. Is there anyone who would like to add me and give me some tips this week-end? I live in Canada but I don't mind the ping. My nickname on QL is BRRRAAAAIIINNie .