Introduce yourself shortly.
My name is Lech Gradzinski, my nick name is LeSzNy and I've been playing quake for 7 years with some breaks.

Talk us through your Quake career. How did you get into the game and what still keeps you around?
I've been playing Quake 2 in local cafes when i was 13. One day my friend showed me quake 3 with similar graphics to q2 and very dynamic movement so I decided to move to q3. I had a terrible pc and connection for the most beautiful times of quake so I couldn't progress too much. After some years I had to focus on studies and gave up playing for a while. Now I'm playing ql from the beginning of it, but now I see I have different problems: I cant stop playing once i sit down in front of the monitor which affects my progress a lot :)

You are one of the more active players recently. What motivates you to keep practicing?
I'm an addict I must say. When I start playing it's fun for 10 to 15 games. After that I'm getting worse and worse and it drives me crazy, but still I can't stop. It really hinders my progress.

What are you biggest achievements in Quake (perhaps good players beaten) and what are your goals for the future?
I'm a decent online player but don't have too many opportunities of competing with top players. I don't like playing vs pro players on 55 ping or so. I just like playing vs people with my skill which is the biggest number of players atm [:)] don't have any goals for Quake tbh, but I really appreciate playing in the Rising Stars tournament.

How would you describe your play style?
First 10 games its combination of decent aim and proper positioning mixed with calmness. Later I become lazy and go without brain for kills which really works with decent aim and non pro players :)

The polish community is one of the biggest national communities in Quake with loads of strong players. How do you think you rank in Poland, do you have any rivalries with any of the players?
It depends on the day and the amount of games I played and map choice, but I think I'm top 5 in Poland. My favorite competitor is definitely piern1k, he is a really hard opponent for first 5 games. I really like playing vs mefajpe who is unfortunately not active right now and many others like fdasik, cOOw (!!!) and many other players.

Who are the lesser known Polish players who you think have the most potential?
It's obviously cOOw :) He's pretty new to duel in comparison to me and the others who play from q3. I don't think he's a cheater as many suggest. He won vs very top players several times but he needs to practice on slower maps, and be much more patient.

What's your opinion on the current competitive map pool (dm13, ztn, t7, aero, tox)?
It's brilliant, I love the most of the maps from it. In spite of the fact I love ztn, I am a little bit tired of playing it, but it shouldn't have been ever kicked off from the map pool. It's the essence of quake.

What do you think about the future of Quake? Will you keep playing the game even if big tournaments will cease to exist?
I hope I will play less, but quake will never die :) I don't care about big tournaments, I just love to play zotacs. You can really feel the right atmosphere there. This should be the future of quake I think. It is not so interesting to see the same final again and again. I would swap one big lan event to 10 rising stars challenges or zotacs. It could bring some fresh blood to the community.

Thanks for this interview! Anyone you would like to thank, or any final words?
Thanks for invite, thanks to all who support quake. I hope you will be able to continue this unpredictable amazing tournaments.
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