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Fun New Game (8 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:00 CDT, 16 June 2010 - iMsg
What do you think about a video game where all you do is blow up churches, and kill like priests and nuns and all the religious-followers? You get extra points for blowing up a mega-church, and even more points if it's full of people. There could be special-locations too, like blowing up Mecca or the Vatican.
2300 Hits
Piracy (16 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 09:05 CDT, 16 June 2010 - iMsg
People keep saying, game-developers do not make PC games because of piracy. I'm just wondering, how greedy are these developers? Honestly, how much money do they make from PC games, even with piracy? You're telling me, they don't turn a healthy profit, with or without piracy? Seems to me, there is nothing more addictive than money. The more people get, the more they want. What was once a great games-company, becomes a greedy-monster, only satisfied with the purest, strongest hit they can get.

Spike me up, Scotty, i've got another hot-vein waiting for your finest china.
3474 Hits
Proud to be U.S. (22 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 06:50 CDT, 12 June 2010 - iMsg
I was watching this youtube video, where this 13 year-old girl said 'cunt'. It was on live tv, some kind of regular show. I'd just let it be known, you can say anything you can want, anywhere... and if the FCC tries to fine you, you can sue them based on the 1st amendment.

What was more interesting though, is how someone in the comments said Iceland can't have porn. Is that true? If so, i'm glad I live where I do. Fucking oppression, just everywhere.

I found the video while searching for the dance remix of 'i can eat a knob at night'.
7321 Hits
Election-Year (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 03:19 CDT, 8 June 2010 - iMsg
It's a special-time here, in the United States. Democracies and Republics are the conditions by which, no matter how friendly and agreeable you become over 2 years, you always end up just trying to kill each other again.

What do you people's elsewhere have going on? Annual elections? Do you get involved when it's time? What happens, and what do you do, when election-time rolls around?
1890 Hits
Isn't that New champion great (9 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 08:39 CDT, 7 June 2010 - iMsg
When the founders were thinking about adding Freedom of the Press to the constitution, sycophantic crap journalism about celebrities is what they envisioned.

If society is dumb enough to buy such crap, instead of legitimate journalism, they will be lucky to avoid all the potentially horrible things it may bring.
3588 Hits
An Honest Opinion (6 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 04:01 CDT, 6 June 2010 - iMsg
I was just wondering, do you guys think George W. Bush is gay? He takes after his mother, always trying to be his father... sounds like he's a bit insecure about something. Why does he never achieve becoming straight... I mean, becoming like father?

Some people thought Hitler was gay. Others thought Alexander the Great was gay. Maybe these closeted-gays try to go on military-campaigns, partially to 'prove' how non-gay they are, but also to spend all their time around young, sexually-primed and sexually-frustrated men?
1870 Hits
Religious Experiences (137 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 03:25 CDT, 23 May 2010 - iMsg
Would it be accurate to say, religion comes from psychosis? The 'prophets' are often alone when 'communing with the Gods'. Being that humans tend to need other humans, wouldn't their loneliness cause them to develop an imaginary-friend? In addition, let's say they came upon a time of extreme-stress. That, coupled with the loneliness, could produce a temporary psychotic-state, which is re-experienced even today, based on the exact same conditions being present.
11844 Hits
Infiltrating Christianity (6 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 21:08 CDT, 21 May 2010 - iMsg
Christianity, the easiest thing to infiltrate.. just act like you hate black-people. Ahhh yes, I act a way or other, I tell them things, to make them think I am capable of being converted. They accept me into the fold, revealing to me all information. While i'm there, I place demolition-charges... it is such an internally weak-structure. Illusions and placebo's, that is the way of Christianity.

Christians are such dogs, with dog-noses, they think everything can be detected by smell. But being the dumb assfaces they are, they fail to understand that smells can be masked or misinterpreted and what do smells mean anyway, other than incompatibility?

Islam is so farther superior, they do not operate by way of smell. They could most easily destroy Christianity from within.

Instead of valuing actions, Christians value smells. You could treat them perfectly, never doing anything harmful, but because to them, you 'smell bad', they try to kill you.
4860 Hits
Medical Question (26 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 07:13 CDT, 19 May 2010 - iMsg
Let's say, hypothetically, you were vomiting blood. What exactly does that mean and what should you do about it?
9938 Hits
Gays in the Military (14 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 15:12 CDT, 17 May 2010 - iMsg
This often controversial issue does not make a lot of sense to me. The male sexual-peak is 18. When do people normally join the military? When they turn 18. Why then would heterosexual men want to spend their sexual-peak around other sexually-peaking young men, bunkered down, sleeping so-close, practically boner-upon-boner? I would have to think, every man in the military is homosexual.

It is true, my name is prefaced by 'G.I.'. The problem is, I don't even know what G.I. means. There is a doll-for-boys call a 'g.i. joe'. I find the military to be deceptively gay, and bizarre in its overt 'heterosexuality', which seems more like a weakling ostensibly acting tough, in order to scare anyone away from actually attacking... why does the fake tough-guy put up such a front? Because he's gay.
6497 Hits
Encountering Lions (6 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 01:08 CDT, 16 May 2010 - iMsg
I meet wild mountain-lion near Centralia, Washington. Near 10 feet away, I see mountain-lion eyes, mountain-lion see's my eyes. I want more time with mountain-lion, but mountain-lion runs away through black-berry bushes. Silly dog of mine, accompaniment, Nala, a black-labrador, never-notices mountain-lion. My main concern, despite interest in mountain-lion, is the safety of silly-doggy. Nala, named after the Lion-Queen, is no longer 'living here'.

The silly-doggy, she was exceptional at jumping. Over a 6-foot fence, she could easily ascend.
4144 Hits
Unification (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 13:48 CDT, 15 May 2010 - iMsg
As unified super-powers, we can basically do whatever we want. So what do you all think about replacing Canada with Israel?
1323 Hits
NYC Terrorism (8 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:24 CDT, 12 May 2010 - iMsg
What do you guys think about the recent 'terrorism' incident in NYC? I think The Onion says it best, "".
2181 Hits
Mayweather - Mosley (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 14:12 CDT, 12 May 2010 - iMsg
What did you guys think about this fight? I predicted, "thorough annihilation", but there were a couple rounds which didn't compute. I know my boxing, which is why bookmakers listen to me... 'The Golden Jew', some might say. Why then, did Floyd Mayweather appear vulnerable? Was it because he is getting a little old? Like Roy Jones Jr., the fighters who evade punches, in their later years, when more naturally susceptible to punches, are then thrice as vulnerable? Or is it more accurate, Floyd was over-confident?

Maybe a Pacquiao, in his different-style, which makes him less vulnerable to damage, could legitimately challenge a Floyd Mayweather? I still see Floyd's style as being unbeatable by anyone except potentially Paul Williams, but what chance is there of ever seeing that fight?
1386 Hits
Jack the Ripper (9 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 15:26 CDT, 8 May 2010 - iMsg
So do you guys think Jack the Ripper was carrying out some kind of Masonic agenda? If you read the descriptions (organs placed over the shoulders), it does beg the argument. Mason-defenders argue that because the term 'Juwes' was never used in Masonic-text, it invalidates the murders as being Masonic in origin, but, I don't see why someone couldn't form a new word to, in code, describe something from Masonic text. Some aspects of Masonic ritual could have been excluded or removed from the crime-scene, before any detectives could enter them into official-record.

People say Jack the Ripper was such a horrible person, but he was humane enough to only slice the throat. All the mutilations occurred after death.

Isn't it odd though, when serial-killers have some kind of civic or cultural attachment? Like the Axeman of New Orleans, he said he would murder someone, but would exclude anyone in Jazz clubs.
2574 Hits
GTA IV (18 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 14:03 CDT, 7 May 2010 - iMsg
Am I the only one disappointed by GTA IV? Sure, it had graphics and physics, but I thought it lacked the style and character of previous GTA's. The art-work was almost all the same - like there was no difference from area-to-area. The main-character seemed to encompass the motivations of the developers: they were only interested in money.
5061 Hits
Conventions (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:49 CDT, 4 May 2010 - iMsg
Today, there was another tournament, and another person won something or other. It's just the same stuff over and over. The only real difference is who wins, but unless you're that person, who cares anyway? Growing up, I was a champion soccer player and baseball player, and other things which I won't go into, but I prefer video-games. I like the fact the games themselves change. Super Mario Bros. 1 becomes Super Mario Bros 2., which eventually becomes Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. This whole way people of esports do things seems like such mimicry of 'normal' sports, and a departure from the ever-changing nature of video-games. It's almost like abandoning one of the best things about video-games, and for what reason?

Video-games are better, in that they do change, because life changes. Soccer won't exist millions of years from now, but some form of gaming almost certainly will. Playing games is healthy. It provides exercise, it teaches lessons, and it is fun. To exist in a static-environment is simply unrealistic. There is no future for something so 'conservative'.

I'd have to surmise, it is the insecurity of video-game players which leads them to copy what is perceived as the success of other types of sports. Video-game players are often degraded as nerds or whatever, and maybe the players, in their Christian ancestries, are converted by such hell-stimulation. Look at Korea, video-games are huge there, because they are not descended from religious-culture. I'd have to think video-games would also be big in N. Korea and China, if the two would merely open their societies to this kind of technology. I also am descended from far less religious-culture, and therefore I don't give a flying fuck about what stupid ideas a bunch of assholes have, especially because I know just how pathetic those people are. They prefer two star-movies to masterpieces, they like low-quality porn, they are all Christian-like, in their superficiality... you'd think they are all clones, and without question, they are all mediocre.

People trying to force their values on others... that is the nature of Christians, even those who regard themselves as atheists. And what is that, that they are actually doing? They are attempting to convert. That is religion, to convert non-believers or believers of other faiths. But video-game players should be smarter than that. They should not let conventional sports change their ways. Video-games are ever-changing, ever-evolving, and there is no reason for that to stop. People who watch conventional sports, they love to see new things. A new player comes along, and has some new technique... in video-games, not only do new players come along, with new techniques, but there are also new games, with new elements.

It is true, at first, people are embarrassed to admit they like video-games, because video-games, especially pro-gaming, is socially-unacceptable. But in time, it becomes socially-acceptable, and then all those dumb mother-fuckers who were too chicken-shit to admit they like video-games, will suddenly, with exuberance, claim to love what yesterday they were too cool to even like. For the 'non-nerds', social-acceptance is of tragic importance. The fact is though, video-games will never be socially-accepted merely by attempting to mimic what is socially-accepted. Video-games need to simply be themselves, and let the dumb-fucks be their stupid-selves. In time, they will come around. At first, they'll watch pro-gaming secretly, when no one else is around... like closeted-homosexuals. And also, like closeted-homosexuals, eventually, they will admit the truth. In the mean-time, video-games should just keep doing what they do, and being what they are, and never make any attempt to placate anyone.
1899 Hits
Martial Arts (27 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 13:23 CDT, 29 April 2010 - iMsg
Why don't martial-sportists go after each others fingers? Fingers are easy to break, and there is so much room for attack.

I don't have against martial-sports, I just think people should know the difference between the art and the sport. Especially when it comes to something martial, it can be dangerous when people do not know the difference. A sportist will knock you out, but an artist will kill you.
3877 Hits
Jesus was a strippeR (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:12 CDT, 27 April 2010 - iMsg
With God, all things are possible. Just last week, God miraculously granted me the power to fly with my legs and swim to Jupiter. And that is the power of God, to make works of fiction that any asshole can write, and have morons believe such absurdity with no realistic evidence or proof of any kind. But no, it's true, just last week, I swam to Jupiter.
2006 Hits
Weapons Factory (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 03:24 CDT, 24 April 2010 - iMsg
For you (ex)-WF players, what do you think about a WF(A) with only one-flag?

TF players, you don't need to start a competition. WF is really just a faster version of TF. If you like slow, play TF, enjoy.
5060 Hits
Freedom of Speech (49 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 07:42 CDT, 19 April 2010 - iMsg
Muslims today seem somewhat unfamiliar with the internet. They often make statements like, "I will kill anyone who insults Islam.". But with the internet, any random person could anonymously insult Islam all they want, and there is nothing Muslims can do to track them down and kill them.
9111 Hits
Anarchy (8 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:01 CDT, 16 April 2010 - iMsg
The Christian mentality drives so much of our lives. That people create rules based on an innate fear of a hell which does not exist. They think, if we legalize marijuana, 'bad' hellish things will happen. And they are so convinced the hell is real, even though it isn't. Even in the face of proof or evidence, like in Amsterdam, they are still so convinced of hell's reality.

The delusions have been programmed into their genetic-code. They 'feel' these things, and experience them, even though they are false. Like Wolverine having his memory erased. What exactly is the point of erasing the memory of a fictional-character? What is the point of fictional-characters fighting each other? The purpose is to provoke some kind of emotional response, based on something entirely false. Through such impulses, people purchase tickets and give their hard-gained money to others. They could use that money to feed starving children, but giving it to the church makes them feel better.
4148 Hits
Capitalism or Christianity? (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 15:28 CDT, 14 April 2010 - iMsg
Can anyone explain to me why boxing promoters are such incredible douches? They'll say anything to get people to buy their product, no matter how much harm it does to everything else.
1113 Hits
X-Men Origins (18 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:49 CDT, 14 April 2010 - iMsg
I was watching the Wolverine movie... the character says, 'don't dogs kill cats?'. I'd like to answer that rhetorical question.

Dogs only kill cats depending on how the dogs are raised and how big the cats are. Show me any dog who could last even 10 seconds against a lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar or cougar. Even a bobcat or lynx could probably defeat the meanest of wolves. Cats are the fiercest of natural fighters, only rivaled by bears. Dogs are nothing more than tyrants.
5721 Hits
Cut Me, Mick (10 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:13 CDT, 5 April 2010 - iMsg
How come, when fighters bleed, they never choose to cauterize? I can understand if it's too near the eye, but anywhere else... are they are a bunch of poons? They have enough money for plastic-surgery, if they care about their delicate cosmetics.

You strong warriors there, should learn how to severely burn yourselves back into a fight.
2533 Hits
Outlawing Peace (13 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 03:15 CDT, 4 April 2010 - iMsg
The European Christians, with their sole real value of 'living by the sword', have effectively outlawed peace. What we call a 'peace-pipe', they suppress emphatically, as to mean, peace should be outlawed because, according to their superficial understanding of everything and anything, is evil. But. Christians, who think they can run around doing whatever they want, are about to be severely bitch-slapped by nature. Yes Christians, it is about reality-check time for you, and you will not like what you find.
3154 Hits
Novice Gardening (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 01:14 CDT, 3 April 2010 - iMsg
If you have a problem with me, you can talk to ETA. They will gladly direct you to the nearest tomato-garden.

I only drink vodka from Russia. There is a St. Petersburg import available here. I prefer giving money to Russia. I would also give money to Cuba and N. Korea. It isn't freedom to embargo trade, it is freedom to let us support who we want, as long as those forces are not our enemies. It is the Christians who think our economic system should only reward people who exploit slaves or sacrifice themselves.

Did you guys hear about those crazy Christians , here in the U.S., who are attempting to overthrow the United States government in place of a Christian government? They've already committed treason. That is the insanity of Christianity. That's why the two words rhyme. Of course, the FBI kicked their asses thoroughly. They remind me of Charles Manson trying to initiate a race-war, 'cept, they didn't get as far.
1362 Hits
Sado-Masochistic Europe (28 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 14:31 CDT, 2 April 2010 - iMsg
I've been here for like 6 years now. People consider me to be 'annoying'. One of the funny things about the internet is something called an 'ignore' feature. This feature has been available since i've been here. Why then do these people of European descent fail to take advantage? Do they enjoy being 'annoyed'? Are they all masochists? No. In fact, what's really happening is that they want to control me. They want to be what consider God. They want me, and everyone else, to conform to their values. When we refuse, they attempt to torture us into changing (a.k.a., they attempt to enslave us). Do these people understand their own ways, or do they function that way purely biologically, and as part of their nature, never question their own natural instincts?
5269 Hits
Why is Marijuana illegal? (306 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:10 CDT, 28 March 2010 - iMsg
I wrote a paper once in English class. In this paper, I discussed the fact alcohol, which is far worse than marijuana, is legal and marijuana is illegal. But the way I wrote it, I would say stuff like, "Alcohol makes you belligerent and want to fight people. Marijuana makes you peaceful and non-violent.", and then at the end of the paper, I simply switched the words alcohol and marijuana, so it would read, "Marijuana makes you belligerent and want to fight. Alcohol makes you peaceful and non-violent.".

This particular paper was one where we passed them around, each person would read each one, and write one comment. When my paper got back to me, I was somewhat shocked by the mixed responses. Some people understood perfectly what I did, in terms of switching the words, and others were completely and utterly clueless. The latter group agreed with me, about how evil 'marijuana' is, even though I was describing alcohol. It just goes to show, the people who oppose marijuana do so based on absolutely no evidence or knowledge about marijuana.
119959 Hits
Plastic Surgery (15 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:03 CDT, 27 March 2010 - iMsg
How is it anything but self-mutilation? It is like in the African tribes, where women are forced to cut-off their clitoris. Better to wear a burqa.

Islam is further ahead in many ways, yet is regarded as the opposite.
5124 Hits
Compensation and Neglect (5 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 14:36 CDT, 27 March 2010 - iMsg
It is common in sports when people say, "I want to be the next so and so.", or someone says, "Person X is the next so and so.". Whenever that happens, it always fails. The person never become the next whoever. Why? Because it is impossible to be someone other than yourself. Maybe they can attain similar results, but even so, the achievements will come in different ways.

For all you young over-achievers, be sure to always be yourself. And don't be vain. You see how Islam does things, with women? Men have a natural disposition towards the body of women. What they do in Islam, so you pay attention to what matters, is cover up the entire body of the woman. If you cannot see her body, you have no choice but to pay attention to what is important.

A lot of people do not understand these things, about sports and Islam. Hopefully, there is now some clarification.
3111 Hits
When Opposites Attract (9 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 04:33 CDT, 27 March 2010 - iMsg
... The story of an Angler Fish falling in love with a Peregrine Falcon. It is a tragedy, since neither have the technology to live together.

I don't know, I prefer people the way they are naturally. When you are 50 trillion years old, what difference do your looks and achievements of this world matter? And any fucking dickhead who cares about your looks is not someone worth spending your invaluable time with.
3170 Hits
Looking for Love (36 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 04:00 CDT, 25 March 2010 - iMsg
Do you think people should look for love, or let love find them? I think it is the latter. Those with the proper things in common will naturally gravitate towards one another. There is no luck involved. And if you attempt to find love, you will lose yourself, making love actually take longer to find you.

Allow nature to function. The mantis does not seek love with meer-kats.
7651 Hits
Audience-Friendliness (6 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 01:45 CDT, 25 March 2010 - iMsg
Begins at home. When your parents made you play video-games with so many different things to follow, you naturally learned from their example. One thing, that's what the audience needs. It doesn't have to be a flag. Has anyone come up with ideas along these lines?

Video-games, run by all of us some call nerds, will take over the world of sports, as soon as they are followable by audiences.
2281 Hits
The G.O.P. and Me (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:50 CDT, 22 March 2010 - iMsg
We, the G.O.P., are very conservative. We do not use reason, we think endless delusion is healthy, we reject the acquisition of all pertinent knowledge, we think Jesus is real and God lives in the sky, and they both want anteaters to fight a war against earth-worms, and also for all anteaters to be heterosexual.

When I speak for the Republican party, it is more honest. They won't tell you truth. They will tell you to vote for them, or the communist-aliens will wisely spend their time reprimanding grasshoppers. And just who are the 'Republicans'? European colonists, like the ultra-intrusive British. It is still their nature to be that way.
2659 Hits
Mexican Immigration (41 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:18 CDT, 22 March 2010 - iMsg
There is a problem here with illegal immigrants coming from Mexico. Our good friends, the failures who call themselves Republicans, devised a brilliant scheme to solve the problem. It is something called a fence. The reason it works so well is because Mexicans were born without the genetic-means to climb over fences, dig underneath them, or go around them or, and especially, make a hole in the fence and go through that.

You might be surprised that anyone votes Republican. To me, it is astounding. Then, I realize, a human being can be dumber than a horse-fly, and the people who vote Republican are that much dumber than the people they vote for.

A real solution? Invest the time, money and fence-building ingenuity towards helping Mexico politically and economically, that way, the people will want to stay there.
10399 Hits
The Science of Fainting (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 21:25 CDT, 21 March 2010 - iMsg
No, see, I took a forensics class once, because I like solving puzzles. There was no warning. The first thing that happened was a video. A person shot himself in the head with a .45. You might think, that death is instant, but he didn't die for about 30 full seconds. The gaping wound in his head, the whole time, was gorging with blood. His eyes bulged out, further and further with every passing second.

At some point during the course, I fainted. There were people who got crushed by box-crushing machines. There were others who slashed their own throats, multiple-times, because that is their misery. The time I fainted though, happened when we looked at stabbing photographs. They would say, "Here is a stab victim. This v-shape here is the result of someone being stabbed, and having the knife turned in their bodies.". I just wanted to solve puzzles. Officers make lots of black-humor.

.306 sniper-rifle to the head results in a clear-case of bottom-teeth and no-head. Blood is everywhere, and this is what the police deal with constantly in their lives. I don't know why, but after this disgusting class, I always somehow ate something.

I fainted one other time in my life, for no apparent reason whatsoever. I was 15, and taking a typing-class, like on a computer. I sat next to a Russian exchange-student and fainted like that.
2797 Hits
Mayweather - Mosley (11 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 22:55 CDT, 20 March 2010 - iMsg
What do you think? Looks to me Mosley will be thoroughly annihilated. The way Floyd Mayweather does things is so difficult to contend with, there is like no one who can do it. If anyone has a chance against Floyd Mayweather, it would be Paul Williams. The style of Paul Williams definitely presents a problem for Floyd Mayweather.

Pacquiao would be a challenge for Floyd Mayweather, but I don't see Pacquiao winning.
6285 Hits
New Language (15 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 00:54 CDT, 18 March 2010 - iMsg
What about a 3-dimensional language? Like every character is some derivation of a circle? The differences occur in colors and variations of circle-patterns? That way, no matter which way you turn the map, all the names are the same.
3365 Hits
The Fallacy of Batman (30 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:35 CDT, 16 March 2010 - iMsg
Who is Batman? He is a super-rich entrepreneur. Using his riches, he builds devices that help him 'fight crime'. When he defeats the evil-doers, everyone cheers the super-rich entrepreneur. If that isn't the most ridiculous illusion of capitalism, I don't know what. The notion that a super-rich business-person is somehow a super-hero is so absurd, it could only happen in a superficial society. As the billionaire stands next to the homeless, starving person, he or she does not save that person from homelessness or starvation. But I suppose there is no 'crime' in starving to death. It was that person's fault for being a dickhead. They deserve to die of starvation, if not worse. They are criminals, because they did so much harm to so many by unintentionally starving to death.

Beyond the illusion of a super-rich person being a super-hero, the Batman character perpetuates the delusion that money is somehow a solution. The earthquake-relief money sent to Haiti doesn't do much good for the 250,000 already dead. Money is, at most, a short-term solution or relief. Why then are people so declined to solve problems with something other than money? Maybe once people figure that out, they can start moving towards real solutions.
8895 Hits
Audience-Friendliness (9 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 12:56 CST, 8 March 2010 - iMsg
Unlike with other games, after you are done watching the Quake Live championships, you can immediately play Quake Live. Some people think making these games audience-friendly would be unprofitable, but I think it would be reciprocating. It could increase profits exponentially.
2350 Hits
IEM4 Championships (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 12:00 CST, 8 March 2010 - iMsg
The games are over and we have a winner. After 11 days of beatings, maulings and dismemberments, we can all rejoice. Never has the world seen such beautiful carnage. The only upsetting part was that it didn't last longer. The slaughter can only be rivaled by the Great-Spoon Massacre of 1836, where spoon-wielding maniacs rampaged through the streets of London, leaving 39 people and 3 cats dead. To extend the joy, I have conducted interviews.

Dalai Lama, what were your impressions? "When the one person ripped off the leg of the other, nothing pleased me more." You found yourself elated, is that right? "Oh truly, yes. I would think a person must be insane to find brutal combat anything but the greatest joy in life."

And Ghandi, what did you think? "It was highly aligned with my policies of violence and terrorism. If only India had such fine examples, Britain would have been nuked off the planet long ago."

Hitler and Obama, did you enjoy it or did you think there should have been more flowers? "We always demand flowers. There can never be enough flowers."

And, last but not least, Smokes Weed With Whale-Sharks, were you satisfied with the end result? "Only insomuch as the end will end and the beginning will begin. Makes a lot of sense, no?"

I think the consensus is clear: more flowers and more death = more good. I would say, the IEM4 championships are a direct result of Martin Luther King having a dream.

If this column was too fast, be less conservative.
2041 Hits
In Russia (7 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 23:49 CST, 28 February 2010 - iMsg
You see... Napoleon, he went through all of Europe. When he arrived in Moscow, Russia said, "no'. That was the end.

People do not understand;;; you do not infiltrate Russia or China. Why people fail to understand such things.
3240 Hits
One-Man's crusade (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 21:53 CST, 24 February 2010 - iMsg
For four days now, I have been either drunk, hungover or both. It is remarkable how much a 160-pound person can drink. When I started drinking, at 14, a 40 or a 1/2 pint would generally be enough. Today, it takes a whole fifth, sometimes more. It is not fun being both drunk and hungover.
2059 Hits
When Is Death (9 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 23:10 CST, 23 February 2010 - iMsg
It is truth, nuclear weapons do not exist. When have you seen, with your own eyes, a nuclear explosion? Only in film. One time, I watch movie where alien insects kill human.

I am certain everyone loves broken English, especially when used by someone capable of perfect English. I degrade the English language, because I am still upset over the English imperialism, tyranny, oppression and persecution to this day pervasive throughout England. In England, there are many cameras and not enough fish.

And when those people, 3,000 years from now, look back on today, they say: those 2010'ers, almost teenagers, I don't remember anything else; let us listen to Mozart.

U.S. flag, more complicated than all others.
2554 Hits
Champions (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 22:47 CST, 21 February 2010 - iMsg
It is I, one of the great Basque champions. You might wonder, what is it I have won? I will tell you. There were at least three tortilla-chip eating contests. When I was 2, I received a pound-puppy for Christmas; I consider this a victory, as Santa is such a ball-busting stalker. When I was 12, I won a spelling-award for a school-year worth of good spelling. I have to raise the question though, what does it take to be a champion?

What it takes is to be a terrorist. As history has proven, terrorism and violence always work. Take Ghandi's example. His policy of extreme violence and terrorism is what won India its independence. Britain simply could not withstand the Indian onslaught.

Take another terrorist example: the RFA. After decades of operations in Germany, they finally defeated Hitler. If not for their efforts, Hitler would still rule all of Europe.

All of you should be well-aware of the IRA. After many attempts to establish non-violence, the IRA has still failed against the militaristic nature of North Irish catholics. The IRA pleads for peace, but no, the catholics must kill.

Of course, my favorite non-terrorist organization, the ETA (euskadi ta askatasuna). After 11 million years of a strict policy of gardening, their efforts have ensured liberty for euskaldunak and everyone else.

I also have a fondness for the PLO (the L meaning liberation). Their fine example has taught everyone the true nature of championism.

After this ultra-critical examination of champions and how to be one, I am absolutely certain, everyone now knows precisely what it takes.
1572 Hits
ETA (5 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 06:22 CST, 21 February 2010 - iMsg
Euskadi ta Askatasuna, I am not terrorist; be my friend. There should be more Basque champions, beyond Miguel Indurain and, of course, myself. It is wrong for Spain to claim champions that are actually Euskaldun.
2783 Hits
Curling (16 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:39 CST, 19 February 2010 - iMsg
I was watching Olympic curling, and I was wondering, does anyone know why the men and women do not compete together?
5192 Hits
Olympic Snowboard Commentators (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 20:37 CST, 18 February 2010 - iMsg
These guys are worse than football commentators. They just keep repeating the word 'conservative', like Goebbel's pays them for every time they say the word in some kind of positive way.

"But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success. -o from "War Propaganda", in volume 1, chapter 6 of Mein Kampf (1925), by Adolf Hitler."

"Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik" ("Churchill's Lie Factory"), 12 January 1941, Die Zeit ohne Beispiel (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1941), pp. 364-369 "the principle & which is quite true in itself & that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily,"
1898 Hits
Prospective Humanity (15 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 04:44 CST, 16 February 2010 - iMsg
You see, I am euskaldun. What we aliens find appalling in humanity is the trite formality. What we find redeeming is the rare triumphs of human spirit. Since WWII, Japan has been vulnerable, yet no one, including China, has attacked. Portugal, on the other hand, should have, in human terms, been conquered by Spain ages ago. But no, why did Spain give Portugal its sovereignty? It is these curiosities which lead those of us, aliens as we may be, to think humanity does have a future.
4091 Hits
One-Flag CTF (13 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:37 CST, 12 February 2010 - iMsg
Flag starts in the middle of the map, cap in your opponents base. If the flag is dropped, either team can pick it up and keep going.

Instead of making the flag return to the stand after it is capped, maybe it would be better basketball style? Like, whatever team just got scored on gets the flag. There could be some kind of special stand in each base, by their respective cap-points, which only that bases team could interact with. After the flag is picked up, it is live again and only returns to the stand when capped. If the team does not pick up the flag within, let's say, 10 seconds, it returns to the primary, mid-field flag-stand.

With this basketball style, there is no issue with dying, suiciding and respawning. When you die, you simply spawn somewhere in your own base. The 10 seconds or so should give your team the time to regroup and clear your base.
2571 Hits
Audience-Friendliness (6 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:42 CST, 11 February 2010 - iMsg
I really like Quake Live. The system is a vast improvement. While it is still unfriendly to audiences, it shouldn't be difficult to correct. The real problem though, with Quake Live, is not the system (something highly progressive). The problem is the gameplay. Being that Quake Live, the game, is nearly identical to Quake 3, what we have is another case of conservatism in gaming. Quake Live is a perfect example of regression and stagnation. Q3 is an 11 year-old game, and with Quake Live, was not remade with new graphics or gameplay. The only major liberal aspect of Quake Live happens to be the system. FFA, duel, clan arena, instagib, tdm, ctf... all of these gameplays were practically identical when they were first released - with Wolfestein 3d, 17 years ago.

I'm not talking about a new engine here. The QL engine is perfectly fine. It is smooth, responsive, and can achieve stable 125 on low-end computers. A new gameplay would be something like one-flag CTF. Have you ever played CTF with only one flag? No. Therefore, one-flag is new, and I would say (although, being the originator, maybe i'm biased), is a progression. Two-flags is a bunch of shit, and that criticism is thoughtful and specific. You have two flags, which divide focus (for viewers and players), and creates all these dumb stand-offs and camp-fests, and makes it so the teams are working together more as sub-groups within teams than full-teams. But, reasons aside for why I consider one-flag CTF to be progressive, no one can argue that the gameplay is new. Regression and stagnation are the works of fascists and other conservatives. Those fucks, with their bad-parenting, their destructiveness instead of support, work to ensure the dumb, redneck, white-trash way is permanently preserved. If they have their way, the doors of progress, evolution and improvement will always remain shut.

So, how can we make Quake Live a great game... one which truly attracts and holds new players? A new system, far superior to previous, is definitely a major step in the correct direction. But that door, the one conservatives always want closed, must be broken-through with a battering-ram. The only way to do that, and the only way for anything to become but a festering pool of diseased liquid, is movement. We have to create new kinds of gameplay. And that gameplay cannot be regressive. I would create one-flag CTF myself, but I am right-brained. Programming for me would be like a right-handed MLB pitcher trying to pitch with his left-hand. He would probably find himself all the way back at high-school level ball, even at his best. Left-brained people should, professionally, do left-brained things. In the best case scenario, right and left-brained people work together, sharing their strengths and compensating for their weaknesses. In other words, get to work, mother-fuckers. Come up with some new gameplay ideas, or make single-flag CTF. Progressive gameplay is the key. New games attract new people. If the new games are only new gameplays, which are evolved versions of older gameplays, both older players and newer players are covered.
2841 Hits
Doctors or Dictators? (22 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:42 CST, 10 February 2010 - iMsg
Anything doctors say is bad for you is then outlawed. If you're sick, school is bad for you. If you're healthy, marijuana is bad for you. Doctors here have gone so far as to outlaw liberty itself. Yes, that is the real issue when it comes to drugs and other 'things that are bad for you (according to doctors)'. It isn't about healthy or harmful, it is about freedom - the freedom to do things that are bad for you, because it was your choice, not the choice of some stranger you will never meet, yet profits greatly from bossing you around. There is no greater racket in the U.S. today than what is called 'health-care'. Swine flu? Well, everyone better get flu-shots, at their expense, even though 99% of people will never contract the disease, and out of those who do, almost none die. Do you have any idea how much money doctors make selling these flu-shots?

Yes, the fact is, doctors have become fascist dictators. They lie, cheat and steal more than any modern politician, and are responsible for shaping more policy and suppressing more freedom than those very same politicians. So, here is a message to the horrible dictator/doctor community: fuck you, give me back my damn liberty.
3665 Hits
Super-Bowl Saints (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 21:52 CST, 9 February 2010 - iMsg
So after the Saints win the super-bowl, we've got some great Jazz Fest stuff going on. George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic; Simon and Garfunkel; Van Morrison... come on, man... do any of you know who Van Morrison is?

I think Ireland should leave the E.U. (otherwise pronounced as 'you'), and join the U.S. (o.p.a. 'us').

Watch me get back online soon, fools... Quake Live kicks ass. I managed to play against some bots. I have to say, the system is great for players, but could be better for audiences.
695 Hits
The 5th Amendment (15 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:26 CST, 9 February 2010 - iMsg
Real patriots of the United States even provide fair-trials for traitors and Hitler's. Everyone knows, when you are attempting to subvert something, you first change its name. So then, traitors, why have you changed the name from the United States (which implies pluralism and openness), to the United States of America (implying the very opposite)? Why do you call this Union of States a nation, country, or Republic, when it is clearly composed of 50 such things, thus making 'a Union' the only correct designation? If you actually read the Constitution itself, our founders always call it a Union, or the Union, or this Union, or the United States. There are only three cases in the entire Constitution where it is called the United States of America (which is obviously a mistake - the founders were not perfect - and should be amended out of the Constitution). It is, in fact, never once called a Republic, a nation or a country. The word 'Union' is used 7 times, and 'United States' is used 83 times.

Article 4, Section 3: New States

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

The only possible justification for your subversion comes from the three cases where it is called the United States of America. How, from that one point, which was obviously a mistake, as it is clearly in conflict with our New States policy (among other things), can you defend the rest of your actions?
6457 Hits
First Impressions (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 13:10 CST, 8 February 2010 - iMsg
God made it so my teeth fall out. Now some scientists are telling me I should brush my teeth so they won't fall out? Damn commies, always going against God.

With my awesome connection, I managed to download Quake live. I was impressed. Everything was done well... no jumping through hoops, or searching through the entire google database for the right files. It is free and open, and if you have a decent connection, it downloads quickly. It's easy to find servers and people. Opponents are paired based on skill-level. I cannot comment much on the game itself, my connection will not even let me play against bots. I did watch a couple demos. The game is nearly identical to Q3.

I'll see if I can get online and play a few games. Then I can give some second impressions. Certainly is nice having an active Quake community again. Amazing the difference a well-structured system can make.
1694 Hits
Home (9 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 06:57 CST, 8 February 2010 - iMsg
What is home anyway? According to George Cocksucker Bush, home is 'Amurikka'. According to some people, home is where you are born. Since I was born on Earth, and in the Universe, does that mean the Universe is my home? No, it doesn't... according to some people. To conservatives, those mini-fascists, mini-Hitlers like George W. Bush, home is the square-meter where you popped out of your moms cunt. That fuck, George W. Cocksucker Bush, because he loves his fatherland... I mean... homeland so much, formed the 'homeland security department'. The goal of the agency is to protect the square-meter where you popped out of your moms cunt. Because as everyone knows, home is where you're born.

Yeah, that's right... here in Amurikka-land, you are free to do whatever you want, except what we tell you you can't do, because that's freedom. Unfortunately, me and my kind are dying out due to crazy liberal things like dentistry and education, but freedom will reign and rain a-gain. Yeah.

Apparently, the Super-Bowl happened yesterday. I completely forgot, because I was too busy watching golf. There is nothing more captivating than people standing around 96% of the time, and whenever else, riding around in carts.
3606 Hits
Satellite Internet (38 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 22:45 CST, 6 February 2010 - iMsg
Is such shit. At best, I can get 1200 ping. If I download more than 300MB a day, they make it so I basically cannot use the internet for 24 hours. These days, 300MB a day is like nothing. I have to sit here and schedule downloads, and half the shit, I would have to spend like a week downloading, with no internet access the whole time. Even if I don't go over the limit, during the day-time, because so many people are using the limited available bandwidth, the thing is barely usable.

I don't know how satellite's can speed up their transmissions, maybe some kind of wireless fiber-optic? Data transmitting through light, and thus traveling at the speed of light? If the light was invisible to the human-eye and harmless to the environment, it should be no problem.

Unless satellite internet solves its fatal problems, it cannot possibly survive as a business. You fuckers are lucky, and probably ungrateful. You don't know what it's like, as people who do so much online, to be 8 years on shit internet. It's like a prison-sentence.
6814 Hits
Can Anyone Play Quake Live? (8 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:31 CST, 5 February 2010 - iMsg
Hey, mother-fuckers, check this shit out: Look at the coverage map; it's right near where I live. I can get hooked up to the mobile version and drive 30 minutes, use a laptop and be online. I live in Lacey, Washington, which is like a suburb of Olympia. I bet this service will be at my house in only a few months.

How does this Quake Live shit work? Do I need to buy it, or do I download it? What's the fucking deal?
3403 Hits
Saints Over Colts, 137 - -8 (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:53 CST, 5 February 2010 - iMsg
The Saints can win this game. Peyton Manning even admitted openly to being vulnerable. He said, "Losing is not an option."; in other words, he acknowledged that losing is a possibility. And as everyone knows, a scientist always beats a gambler.
989 Hits
Just Say No ... (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:38 CST, 4 February 2010 - iMsg
... to freedom. That's what this whole drug thing is really about: oppression. They always chant the word freedom, while simultaneously, with their policies, directly opposing freedom. They don't want people making their own choices. Can anyone tell me why?
2042 Hits
Who Dat? (17 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 14:44 CST, 3 February 2010 - iMsg
Who dat say they gonna' abolish the 1st amendment, who dat?

Look, Congress can protect, for a short time-period, intellectual property. Simultaneously, Congress has no authority to abridge the freedom of speech or press. That means, intellectual property can only be legally protected by Congress if that intellectual property does not come in the form of speech or press.

Mardi Gras and Jazz Fest: Go to both this year. After the Saints win their virgin-superbowl, you will not find crazier or better partying anywhere. I know it is called 'Jazz' Fest, but there is lots of non-Jazz stuff. Check the band-listing this year... stuff like Pearl Jam and Van Morrison.
4552 Hits
Just Politics (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:42 CST, 2 February 2010 - iMsg
Remember back then, when I killed all those millions of people? That was just politics, don't worry about it.

I miss those old days of Quake 2, when I didn't care so much about winning and losing. I was just happy to be in the Q2 world. Sometimes I would play for, literally, 36 hours straight. I had lots of weed to smoke back then, when I around 16. Actually, I sold weed to buy my first computer, which I immediately used to start playing Q2. It was good weed, purple-stuff, know what I mean? Of course, maybe i'm lying, who knows.

When Q3 came out, everything became so competitive. Even though I murdered everyone in Q3, and nobody could compete, I did not enjoy it more than when I was a new loser in Q2.
1750 Hits
Equality (9 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 13:57 CST, 2 February 2010 - iMsg
What is it, whores? Do you want equality or do you want chivalry? You keep bitching about toilet-seats... your arguments do not promote equality. You want men to pick up the seats when they pee and then put them back down for you? This is what you consider equal? You need to make a choice. We are willing to give you equality, but if you try to become tyrannical, we will turn you into baby-slaves. You will not win a war against men. We can rape you all we want. We don't rape you now because it is our choice.

What's it gonna be, glorified prostitutes? You cannot 'have your cake and eat it too'. I realize you are biologically programmed to derive pleasure from acceptance, but you need to learn when to keep your mouths and legs closed.

Take note, gentlemen, this is the kind of post that gets you lots of pussy. And prostitution is better than dating because it's more honest.
3081 Hits
Invisible Ink Tattoo's (5 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:26 CST, 1 February 2010 - iMsg
These things are so awesome. They're not as good though when people know about them. I've been doing this for a while. I met this tattoo artist who does them for me specially. I walk around, with all this Satan shit on my face, and no one has a clue. He set me up with two pentagram's, one around each eye, and a 666 on my right-cheek. At the same time, I have a baby-face. People say I look 17, even though i'm 28. On the surface, I look so nice and innocent...

I guess the secret's out now though. I blame Taylor Swift and the Japanese. Now everyone will become suspicious and start using those lights you need to see invisible ink.

Any of you guys have invisible ink tattoo's?
1665 Hits
The Grammy's (39 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:46 CST, 1 February 2010 - iMsg
Someone should take a look behind Taylor Swift's ear-lobes: behind the right, it says 'Made in Japan'; behind the left, it has a serial code (both tattooed in invisible ink).

The music industry is a mess. It is full of corruption. They give awards to white, country singers only because they are white and country. I can't fathom why rednecks love themselves so much, but without question... dumb, toothless hicks like them have no future. I guess it's some kind of 'common-person' pride. And like Schopenhauer said, "The common-man fancies himself as the hero.". Unfortunately though for rednecks, dentistry is making great strides.

There once was a time when music was not driven by profit-margins. Yes, at that stage, music was an art-form. It had nothing to do with sex, drugs, violence, politics, vanity or money.

On a completely different subject: After the Saints win the super-bowl, everyone should go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. And you have to do it New Orleans style by forgetting Valentine's day even exists.
6356 Hits
Saints in the Super-Bowl (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 11:47 CST, 1 February 2010 - iMsg
I know the Saints will win, because I kidnapped Peyton's Manning's children. They keep telling me they're not his kids. Clever little rascals, just like their daddy. They are somewhat convincing though. Maybe it's possible they are telling the truth? One of them is black. Does Peyton Manning have any black children?

Ok, well it's time for Plan B. Tonya Harding has already been contacted.

Seriously though, the Saints are the under-dogs here. Everyone thinks they will lose, but everyone is wrong.

Can any of you socialists offer some tips and tricks to help the Saints win?
1219 Hits
1230 Hits
Miles/Ellington (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 01:00 CST, 1 February 2010 - iMsg
Some people are the above, others prefer Monk/Coltrane. Nothing against either kind, it is merely about who you are. I can say without question, I am a Miles/Ellington man. I would imagine, if you are a Miles/Ellington person, you would also prefer Herbie Hancock.

I'll tell you what, Taylor Swift... if you can produce something equal or better to anything Fleetwood Mac created, I will never again imagine that you are a Japanese robot.

I'm not greedy. One Saints Super-bowl, in my life-time, is good enough for me.
1575 Hits
One-Legged Quadripeds (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:06 CST, 31 January 2010 - iMsg
Why is the pro-bowl so lame? There must be some way of making these guys play it out. What if they each equally split profits gained from the pro-bowl? All commercial profits and merchandise and hot-dogs at the game, ? If these guys went nuts, they could make one hell of a nice single-game pay.
686 Hits
Sock-Hops and Lan-Parties (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 15:01 CST, 31 January 2010 - iMsg
I never went to any school-dances. When everyone else was going to their junior-prom, I was shooting heroin. The way I figured, if you're going to do that kind of illegal shit, you should it before you turn 17, that way, if you get caught, there is less penalty. I recommend everyone practices the same philosophy. Stupid oppressive, conservative fucks, they think their persecution will have the opposite affect, but every intelligent person knows otherwise.

What conservatives do here is, to get elected they promise 'low-taxes', then provide their low-taxes by outlawing drugs and operating within the illegal drug-trade. The government can take in a lot of money through such an illegal, highly-profitable industry. Someone like Bush, a daddy's-boy pussy of immense proportions, used a slightly different-method. He used money on credit from China. During his administration, he never had to raise taxes, providing the illusion of low-taxes. Of course, in the long-term, borrowing money is more expensive than raising taxes. Credit comes with interest. After a life-time of borrowing money from his father, and never earning anything but everyone's hatred, Little Dickhead knew exactly how to get the money he needed. If only he would kill himself, or allow the world to murder him through a kangaroo-court like he did to Saddam Hussein.

Everything conservatives do is a lie. If it wasn't for their butchered education system, which keeps most of the Union below the necessary education level, people wouldn't be deceived by their pathetic illusions. Without superficiality, conservative deceptions would fail at every level. And no, i've never actually shot heroin.
2321 Hits
Gaming Sucksess (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 13:04 CST, 31 January 2010 - iMsg
What if you made a game where each different character represented a different demographic? Do you think it would be profitable?
774 Hits
Breasts and Homosexuality (10 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:02 CST, 30 January 2010 - iMsg
Men who like fake-breasts are gay. Why, if you truly like women, would you want a fake woman? Might as well feel-up a pillow-case. If you notice, all fake-breast lovers are misogynistic... why? Because they prefer men.

My brother always points out these gay things Cris Collinsworth says. I never notice any gayness to the things Cris says, until my brother points them out. My brother's girlfriend has fake breasts. My brother lives in San Francisco. My brother's best friend is a gay man (one who always tries to have sex with me too, it's very annoying; take note gay-people, do not try to have sex with me).

Sometimes, when the dots are connected, they form elephants. Other times, they spell 'homo'.
3851 Hits
My Ancestors (27 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 07:53 CST, 29 January 2010 - iMsg
I find ancestry very interesting. Apparently, I am 1/1,000,000 paramecium and 1/1,000,000 amoeba. I'm also 1/100,000 slime-fungus and some of my ancestors come from Bilbo in the Basque country. Ukrainian, Lithuanian, the ancestors never end. Maybe it is better to just be yourself?
5191 Hits
The King of Spain (12 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 22:04 CST, 28 January 2010 - iMsg
You see, my ancestors come from Bilbao: Pilar Guerra

Yes, I am related to the King of Spain.

I am the only one who speaks Euskara.
3092 Hits
Cell-Phones as Modems? (6 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 12:29 CST, 28 January 2010 - iMsg
Is there some way to connect a cell-phone to a pc, allowing you to use the internet from a cell-phone through a pc?
1926 Hits
The Future of Humanity (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 12:36 CST, 27 January 2010 - iMsg
I once talked about how there are no industrial uses for humanoid robots. Now, I will proudly admit, I was wrong.

Some of you may be familiar with a 'person' named Taylor Swift. Certain Japanese robot enthusiasts decided to take my assertion as a challenge. What they created has become a media-phenomenon. She makes music, and when she opens her mouth, through a speaker-system, sound comes out. It is truly a feat, which has netted the Japanese inventors many millions of dollars, as you can imagine.

It is now clear, the future consists of robots, cleverly disguised as 'actors', 'musicians', or even 'politicians', all capable of performing far more perfectly than any genuine human.
1792 Hits
The Super-Bowl (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 10:26 CST, 27 January 2010 - iMsg
Most people were upset over Katrina, but I was happy. It destroyed many of the worst parts of the city. To be honest, there are only 3 or 4 good parts of New Orleans: uptown, downtown (the French Quarter), New Orleans East (where the Vietnamese are), and mid-city. I'm from mid-city myself, around City Park, the Bayou (St. John), and Orleans Ave. I lived most of my life before Jeff Davis, but a little bit past that point, around N. White and N. Dupre, off Esplanade. I'll tell you what, if only Katrina destroyed the West Bank too, it would of been perfect. Sure, Lakeview was ok, but it was very conservative, so fuck Lakeview. Gentilly was alright, but it was somewhat corrupted by Lakeview and the St. Bernard projects. The 9th ward? This place was known as the worst ghetto in the city. If you wanted to get shot, go to the 9th ward.

People think I have a funny attitude about Haiti, but I had the same thing about New Orleans. If you live in a hurricane-zone, build appropriate structures. The hurricane's will not stop. Why allow disaster, when a simple work of science can prevent any such occurrence?

Do you think beating the shit out of Peyton Manning will work better than it did against Brett Favre? I remember a playoff game, I think it was against the Steelers, where Peyton got pressured and lost the game. He doesn't have the resilience of a Brett Favre.
617 Hits
Hope for Haiti (35 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 07:50 CST, 27 January 2010 - iMsg
I sent a penny.

If people really cared about Haiti, and not just polishing their image, they would fly there and put those dirty hands of theirs to work. Earthquakes... yeah, they happen. It's not a tragedy. If anything is tragic, it is the lack of intelligence on part of people who choose to live along fault-lines without taking the necessary precautions.
10963 Hits
When Saints Become Sinners (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 14:37 CST, 25 January 2010 - iMsg
Did you guys see the Saints game? It was fucking brutal. They beat the shit out of Brett Favre. In retrospect, it seems cruel. Almost makes me feel sorry for Favre, he is kind of old. But even after getting pummeled play-after-play, he still managed to make accurate passes.

I used to play a little football with some friends. It was just touch. I played cornerback and kick-returner. Damn was I good. It might seem a little odd playing corner and kick-returner, but it actually makes a lot of sense. Returning kicks alone won't take away from your defensive capabilities, unless you get injured. And because, as a cornerback, you must be quick and agile, it makes you a good kick-returner.

What about all you non-Union members? What if the NFL became the Global Football League? Would you fuckers like to challenge the best football players in the world???
853 Hits
Liberalism in Gaming (No comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 05:35 CST, 25 January 2010 - iMsg
With Windows Vista, when I masturbated, sometimes the computer would crash. I e-mailed Microsoft to relate the unacceptability of this occurrence. Now, every copy of Windows 7 comes with jerk-off compatibility.

Windows 7 was my idea.

All humans, except possibly quadriplegics, infants and the comatose, can play video games. It is more liberal than any other type of game. You can be fat, skinny, athletic, the incredible hulk or anything else and still play video games. Online, with its all-inclusive, singular-modeled integration, is as liberal as it can be. Lans are the conservative version of video gaming. They exclude everyone who isn't there, and who cannot or does not want to be there. And as you can plainly see by the esreality community, aside from a few conservatives here or there, most of us are very liberal and make no exclusions based on place of origin or citizenship. Language can be a dividing line, but most people know English (even though the language sucks balls and i'll just come out and say it... fuck prepositions). There are communists here, socialists, capitalists, and aside from a few young people trying to 'join the group', nobody gives a shit.

People argue liberty means anarchy, but the internet proves that false. Look at us here; plenty of liberty, no real anarchy. Most people respect the structure and those who don't amount to the most minor and insignificant of injuries. The internet and video games provide perfect places for social experiments. Any damage incurred will be minor and insignificant. What you learn though is invaluable and can be applied to society-at-large.

As much as we maybe shouldn't deliberately use pro-gaming for social-science experiments, they might function that way anyway. If so, and there is no use fighting it, we might as well purposefully design them that way. Why should they be conservative? There is no reason to exclude people from esports. The more inclusive, the more successful. That is part of the liberal design of capitalism. The more people you exclude and reject from your business, the less money you make. The regulation part of capitalism is meant to eliminate injury. I can't imagine much regulation would be needed for pro-gaming though. It sort of naturally regulates itself.

It is quite incredible what we have here. It follows the 'globalism' model, which is another way of saying all-inclusive. Being that it has this design, it is clear, based on the popularity of video games, and the high-speed of internet improvements (progressing at a far greater speed than, at least, I anticipated), it is perfectly clear pro-gaming will be tremendously successful. What is already a billion-dollar industry, with the addition of professional, online video-gaming, will only become richer. Instead of a marketable audience of, for example, 300 million U.S. citizens, online video-gaming reaches a potential audience of around 6 billion. Online-gaming is the place to invest, and liberalism makes it that way.
1224 Hits
Batman Has Herpes (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 07:50 CST, 24 January 2010 - iMsg
Union conservatives, with their Roman God's and policy of secrecy, are the enemy of all Union patriots and sovereign State's. They have convinced themselves of their own supremacy and self-righteousness, when in reality, they have neither. If everyone knew who Spider-Man was, he would protect his loved one's using something other than secrecy. Because he uses secrecy, it makes him and his loved one's vulnerable to those who discover the truth. He attempts to exclude everyone from the truth, but the truth is more powerful than his lies. Like conservatism, lies have no future. The truth always prevails eventually. And when it does, the lie that is Spider-Man will destroy him, as he has no long-term means of protecting his girlfriend, his aunt and his gay-lover.
3748 Hits
My Autobiography (6 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 05:17 CST, 23 January 2010 - iMsg
I was born on a planet called Krypton. Some shit happened and I ended up here. I started wearing capes when I was 12, because they're so practical. I'm better than Batman, because when he caught swine-flu, Gotham turned to shit. I've fought actively to end the trade-embargo on Cuban ice-cream, but so far, to no avail. I don't understand why we need to reject ice-cream, or profits gained through ice-cream trade. According to Hugo Chavez, Cuban ice-cream is fucking delicious (not his exact words). Our traitors here do everything they can to deprive of us things that make life and the Union better.

Oh yeah, and I still wear capes.
3665 Hits
I'm a Republican (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 06:03 CST, 22 January 2010 - iMsg
The News? It is designed to keep the kitties chasing strings.

Conservatives don Republican costumes, tell the people, "I'm a Republican.", then the people invite these traitorous frauds into office. Why is it so difficult for the United to determine whether a politician is legitimate or fraudulent?

This does involve people outside the States. If conservatives manage usurpation, it will bring about a terrible period of conservatism, quite possibly (with nuclear weapons and other such modern military means), worse than any before. You see these cases of aggression, conservative resurgences like Vietnam, Iraq and the Holocaust. You can be absolutely assured the same type of thing will happen every time conservatives gain any real power. Germany was liberal, until Hitler.
550 Hits
The Communist Threat (8 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 04:20 CST, 22 January 2010 - iMsg
Communism was never a threat to the United States. There is no freedom of violent assembly, which means if people picked up their guns for a revolution, the government would use its military to destroy the uprising. If the Communist assembly was peaceable, it has every Right to exist.

It is remarkable how our politicians, in our highest offices, do not seem to understand such things. It's like they try to figure out how to defeat these 'threats', when our founders figured out all of this shit hundreds of years ago and wrote it into the Constitution. Have our government people never read the Constitution, did they fail to understand it, or is it some kind of traitor-tactic designed to 'usurp the throne'?
4678 Hits
Drinking Laws (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 10:02 CST, 21 January 2010 - iMsg
Do you see how prejudice and discrimination are bullshit methods of rejecting? Conservatives argue that young people should not be allowed to drink alcohol based on the premise it will increase injury. What about the injuries inflicted by government? Do they not realize that by outlawing what is called 'underage' drinking, it increases the amount of injuries inflicted by government? That happens no matter what, whereas, if 'underage' drinking is allowed, the injury is only a possibility and can be further eliminated through better education, training, and parenting.

In cases of drinking, most of the people injured by government are completely innocent. They have committed no crime or offense and yet are persecuted and oppressed. The conservative fails to consider these injuries, or simply doesn't care because what they want is the rejection.
1191 Hits
Independence (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 08:14 CST, 21 January 2010 - iMsg
Our favorite friends the conservatives love to talk about how liberalism = dependency. Not only is any dependency resulting from liberalism entirely incidental, but what's so bad about dependency anyway? I mean, sure, in some cases, independency is good... but are conservatives suggesting we should be independent of everything, even though such a thing is clearly impossible? Our dependencies on nature, oxygen, food, gravity, plants, animals, climates, etc. conclusively prove the idiocy of absolute independency and therefore the stupidity of demonizing dependency.

Conservatives, do everyone a favor and leave the Union. Your moronic, no-future-having policies suffered a fatal wound the instant our Constitution was entered into law. It's only going to get worse for you here, and we certainly will not allow any kind of coup or usurpation. If you leave, we will not follow. Most of you have no money anyway, and your power is quickly diminishing. The fact is, we will deliberately make things as miserable as possible for you, just to spurn you out. Let's see... how many liberal things can we install and conservative things can we repeal... hmm, this should be fun (for us).
2916 Hits
Language of the Union (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 06:35 CST, 20 January 2010 - iMsg
The Union is magnanimous. We do not care to practice an eye-for-an-eye. We do not want to injure, we simply want them to stop injuring us.

To finalize the Declaration of Independence from England and its conservative ways, the Union must create its own language. Any help would be accepted and appreciated.
1673 Hits
The Basque Nation and Liberty (12 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:26 CST, 19 January 2010 - iMsg
I think the Union should help liberate the Basque. They are very liberal, real Republican, not the conservative-in-disguise we have here.

What objections do the Spanish and French truly have to their liberation?
1771 Hits
Union Football (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:16 CST, 18 January 2010 - iMsg
The term 'America' is a lie. Not only does it mislead people into thinking the Union is exclusive, but it isn't even a real place. There is no America. There is a North America and a South America. If it said United States of the America's, at least it would be talking about a real place. Conservatives, in their tyrannical injuries and usurpations, are the enemies of all freedom-loving people's.

In the game of Union football, what would be the Union strategy? Most teams play the 3-down style. If they did it Union-style, they would almost never punt or kick field-goals. The conservative-style is the style of losers. They always play not to lose instead of playing to win. When you play all 4-downs, on practically all occasions, you have more to gain. And if you have a capable defense, you have little to lose.

Conservative does not mean safe. Even if your fantasy of imprisoning everyone, thus creating what you call 'protection' could come true, you would still be a prisoner and subject to the tyrannies of whoever maintains the prison-system. Football commentators should learn to expand their vocabulary. Conservative is the most cliche'd, and inaccurate, word in football.
675 Hits
Republicans (No comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 00:11 CST, 17 January 2010 - iMsg
Profit-through-injury is the agenda of the conservative. Someone should make a new word to denote the only acceptable form of conservatism practiced within the Union. Contrainjury is more or less correct, but sounds funny. Official policies of the Union should all be derived from 'contrainjury', education, liberalism and justice. Are other policies anything but anti-Union products of domestic enemies?

The election of Barack Obama evinces the inevitable demise of conservatism. The Union party (a.k.a. the Democratic party), has become so diverse and filled with Union patriots, whatever power the white-only conservative party (the Republican party), used to possess is now gone permanently. There is too much ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity for a party of such exclusion to survive. If they begin practicing inclusiveness to the necessary degree, they will no longer be any kind of conservative.

Actual Republicans are very liberal. They are not as liberal as Democrats, but they do practice admission and a high-degree of involvement. Our Republics are also filled with the exact same Constitutionally-enacted practices of extreme acceptance, allowance and admission, making our Republics more liberal than standard Republics.
1125 Hits
Traitors (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 20:08 CST, 16 January 2010 - iMsg
With their insidious whispers,
their lies and deceptions,
their exclusions and rejections,
they turn patriots into traitors.

The traitors here, the conservatives, are so conservative, they are incapable of accepting defeat. Even though their demise is inevitable, they reject any change and therefore all of their efforts work to delay the inevitable. It is our job, as patriots of the Union, and allies of the Union, to accelerate the inevitable.

The term 'conservative election' is an oxymoron. Elections themselves are liberal devices designed to enable admission.
2417 Hits
Conservatism (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 04:14 CST, 16 January 2010 - iMsg
The Union was formed to function as a counter to conservatism. The British system was one of extreme conservatism, with its monarchial system of absolute rejection and exclusion of anyone not born into the royal family. If you read the Declaration of Independence, the entire list of things consists of refusals, rejections, denials and exclusions. Of course, rejection itself is an injury. When you murder someone, you reject their existence, you exclude them from life and you deny them liberty. Because our founders so-much despised England and its ways, they formed this counter-system with every aspect of its design intended to eliminate conservatism within the Union and form a counter to conservatism in general.

I don't know why conservatives are conservative. Maybe it's nature, maybe nurture, maybe a simple case of personal profit (which, of course, in conservatism is always at the expense of someone and therefore is simultaneously a profit and an injury). Whatever the case is, the Union will certainly drive out all things conservative, aside from the single cancelling-out method of rejecting certain kinds of injury. If you look at the 200-year history of the Union, it is filled almost entirely of liberal triumphs. The few cases of conservative resurgence are short-lived and all of their installed devices are soon-after deleted.

People often think liberalism and conservatism are forms of measurement. That kind of thing though is entirely incidental. A product of, for example, allowing a broader, less precise measurement. It's really though, a matter of allowance. Liberalism, of course, should always be practiced side-by-side with justice, that way, correct is there without any advantage to using conservatism.
1422 Hits
Friends and Enemies (5 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:35 CST, 15 January 2010 - iMsg
The definition of enemy is someone who harbors hatred and hostility. True conservatives of the Union are without question traitors - domestic enemies of the Union. Some of the people who vote 'conservative' are simply confused though. Distorting people's understanding of liberalism and conservatism is a political-method used to make people vote in traitorous ways without understanding what they are truly doing. If people knew that conservatism is the very antithesis of everything the Union espouses, they would reject almost every aspect of conservatism and the people who practice it. Out of necessity, Union conservatives make people think things like liberalism is conservatism and vice-versa. The true traitors, the people who fully understand what they are doing, do not have many numbers. Their accomplishments come through tricking the masses.

Once the confusion is cleared, Union patriots will essentially, if not physically, slaughter and extricate conservatives from the Union. The best thing would be for conservatives to simply leave, of their own volition. Such enemies cannot honestly hope to destroy the Union, which would be the only possible way they could ever achieve safety and happiness living here. Certainly, people will be on guard against such a possibility.
2734 Hits
Liberalism (10 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 22:11 CST, 14 January 2010 - iMsg
I accept everything except more-than-minor injury. Like the United States, I practice the most extreme degree of liberalism reasonable. And yes, the English language is easily broken, and should therefore be admonished. Liberalism has nothing to do with communism, socialism or any other socio-economic system. That fallacy is propagated by the Republican traitors, in the spirit of using paranoia-over-communism to further their political-goals. In 1848, what Marx said in the preamble of the Communist manifesto is still true today. Liberalism is a matter of acceptance, admission and inclusion. Conservatism is rejection, denial and exclusion. What other than injury should be rejected? Conservatism is a system surviving solely on paranoia and ignorance. Free-speech is the most absolute of liberal - total and complete acceptance. As you can see, the longer the Union remains intact, the more liberal it becomes. We recently managed to admit a black person into the Presidency. It is the Constitution, not the flag, which unites us, and makes us what we are. In this Constitution, you find the extremist of liberalism, written into the highest of law.

Conservatives should leave the Union. They have no future here, only total, complete and permanent annihilation, as assured by the true patriots.
1985 Hits
Republican Traitors (No comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:58 CST, 14 January 2010 - iMsg
The actual United States system is very liberal. Republicans, people also called conservatives, absolutely despise our liberal system. They make every effort, legal and otherwise, to change the system into something conservative. One glaring example of this is in the name itself. The United States is what it should be called, but at some point, a Republican dickhead changed the name to the United States of America, thus creating the implication of exclusivity. In the Constitution, the actual rule is clearly defined. It says Congress can admit any state. The actual Constitutional passage does not even speak of region, much less entering into law some kind of regional restriction on new states. What is a completely open/liberal admission system is modified by Republicans to be a conservative/closed admission system. Of course, they make no attempts to amend the Constitution, because then they would be exposed for what they are and everyone would reject their proposals and subsequently them as a political group.

Our enemies today are Republicans. These are people who hate the United States, and are only here for money and power. They go around the world killing innocent people, arrogantly assuming there will be no retaliation. When retaliation occurs, they decree that we have a new enemy, which they use our tax-dollars and children to fight. The real enemies are not those who fight back; the enemies are the initiators, those who kill innocent people, a.k.a. Republicans.
1507 Hits
Mayweather vs. Pacquiao (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 01:28 CST, 14 January 2010 - iMsg
As much as I like Pacman (it is a video-game, after-all), I don't see how any band can better Pink Floyd. If anyone has a chance, it would be Purple Floyd, which does not exist. When i'm on 50 hits of acid, Pink Floyd Mayweather kicks fucking ass. My Siamese is a damned thing of beauty. His arms/legs, tail and face all blend together in a beauty of black. When the mouse is trying to feed, the blackness of Siamese hides the proceeding death.
1100 Hits
Language 30million.0 (49 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 01:54 CST, 13 January 2010 - iMsg
Here is the foundation for a new, superior language. What I have done is grouped similar things, using, more or less, suffixes to define sameness and prefixes to define difference.

Ori's = colors

Aori = orange
Bori = blue
Gori = green
Pori = purple
Rori = red
Tori = turquoise
Vori = violet
Wori = white
Yori = yellow

Egra's = animals

Begra = bat
Cegra = cat
Degra = dog
Fegra = ferret
Gegra = goat
Haegra = hawk
Iegra = iguana
Jegra = jaguar
Legra = lion
Megra = mouse
Oaegra = owl
Paegra = parrot
Segra = snake
Tegra = tiger
Wegra = weasel
Zegra = zebra

What i've done here is, using different prefixes, assigned each animal to its different domain. Flying creatures use a prefix such as Haegra, Oaegra or Paegra, as opposed to simply using Hegra, Oegra, or Pegra.

Ila = fruit (ila pronounced as ilya)

Aila = orange
Bila = banana
Pila = pear
Rila = raspberry
Sila = strawberry

Ina = vegetable (ina pronounced as inya)

Bina = beans
Cina = cabbage
Fina = fennel
Gina = garlic
Lina = lettuce
Mina = mushroom
Pina = potato
Tina = tomato

Aked = liquid (pronounced ah-ked)

Waked = water
Maked = mercury
Paked = petrol

If you wanted orange juice, you would say 'aila aked'. If you wanted orange liquid, you would say 'aori aked'.

The fact is, current languages are ridiculously convoluted. In being inspired by Euskara, I have concluded other languages to be pointlessly complex. A simple system of prefix and suffix, appropriately apportioned, form a far greater, easier to learn, more efficient and more intelligent language than anything previously used. Yellow, red and green have nothing linguistically to do with each other, yet are all colors. With the foundation I have created, an entirely new, better language can easily be fully formed.
7885 Hits
Winners and Losers (No comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:16 CST, 11 January 2010 - iMsg
Are they born with it, or is it Maybelline? When I say the Saints will lose their first playoff-game, how would winners respond? Would they start doubting their abilities? Would they begin questioning whether or not they will win? Would they tell me to jump off a bridge and call me an ignorant fool for thinking they would lose? Would they say there is no chance of them losing? Would they change their routine? Is winning about a mentality, what people call a state of confidence, or do winners simply possess the mentality because they win? To answer these questions, I have conducted several interviews. Because I am unable to garner real interviews, I have created fake interviews.

My first interviewee was Spider-Man. He talked about how web-agility is the secret to success. When the bad-guys are trying to punch him, with no webs, he can use webs. In terms of the psychology of winners, he told me he prefers neurology but then added, "Losing is neither an option nor a possibility.".

My second interview came from the notorious Vincent Price. Aside from many fits of cackling, he didn't have much to add. Death, homicidal instincts and the thirst for blood was, apparently, what motivated him to success. For Vincent Price, as long as people die, it is a victory. This seems like a healthy attitude, since everyone will eventually die.

My last interview was with Christian Slater. I recently saw Christian Slater, in Mormon-land. It was a nice part of Mormon-land, complete with a polygamy porter. Maybe I could have conducted this interview with Christian Slater for real, but now I will conduct it for fake.

Me: "Christian Slater, what separates winners from losers?"
Christian Slater: "Your mom."
Me: "I don't want to know what that means."
Christian Slater: "Whatever, ask your mom."
Me: "We're talking about winners and losers, not moms."
Christian Slater: "Fine, bye."

As you can see, the fake interview with Christian Slater did not yield much information. Maybe we could analyze the worst losers in history? Many people said Hitler's early military victories happened because he didn't know what he was doing. I suppose, if you don't know what you're doing, your opponents won't either. The problem though, with gross ineptitude, is that the adept, given time, will figure things out. What do all of you think? What, when all else is even, is the difference between winning and losing?
1527 Hits
American Football (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 22:16 CST, 10 January 2010 - iMsg
If there is one thing specifically I do not like about American football, it is the commentators. They never stop preaching conservatism. There was a play in the Ravens-Patriots game where the officials were trying to spot the ball. The commentators kept saying, "It has to be spotted conservatively here. Conservative, conservative, conservative.". Why wouldn't they say it has to be spotted correctly? Conservatism is not synonymous with correctness or justice, and neither is liberalism. If you spot the ball liberally, you give too much. If you spot it conservatively, you give too little.

These conservatives have no interest in justice, which is probably why they commit so many injustices. It is always about their conservative agenda, which is never a correct agenda.
2731 Hits
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