The best part about the games yesterday was that they aren't happening every fucking sunday anymore. You can appreciate them so much more in the 2 month format.
cooller played really well. For me he was always a player who can be good without much play while for example cypher tops it out many times, but played tons. No other player can preserve his skill without playing like cooller. My cs cypha, more cs.
I get what you are saying, but Cooller's aim needed to be lights out to do the stuff he did and it was. I couldn't count the amount of crazy prediction rockets and direct rockets that he landed in the series. You can't play evil like he did without being aim dependent as well.
yeah thats right, didnt want to say that coollers aim was off or something .. these asscrazy rockets! (i find his LG very good as well)
but instead of outaiming or outstacking his opponents he rather won crucial fights because of his positional play and by reading his opponent.
that "playstyle" made me wanna play duel again. (even if i werent anywhere near able to execute like cooller does :D)
rewatched couple times Zlive vods, and Fazz's stream once for more complete understanding.
one of the most thrilling moments for me: Evil in a lead and in control @ silence and was crushed by Coollers rockets totaly not understanding where they are coming from. I dont remember if I ever saw Evil so disoriented..;t=7m35s