Hey Guys,
As some may be aware im wBOBc admin from HoQLeagues,I have a small question about running a king of the hill in europe for the dueling scene. Anyone have anygood idea's about running a live small cup ? Idea being to run on a single server for around 2-3 hours everyweek with shoutcaster if poss and have upto 16 players battle it out to be crowned King of The Hill some may have seen the likes of greasedscottsman and jehar doing this type of stuff over in NA.Just for fun the idea is to get newer players in to the competative side of quakelive and possibley encourage some new activity in the scene.
Things I would liek to know-
1) will 16 be enough ?
2) will you guys like to see it ?
3) anyone out there with casting skills ? =D
4) days and times ?
5) do you want to see somethign different from koth ?

If you want to help out and get involved or have any questions please come see me in #HoQLeagues < leagues #KoTH.EU <koth #live.ql < livestreams , [HoQ]wBOBc