Today the successful Swedish Quake 3 clan devinisciens (ds-) joined Germany's multigaming clan faculty (n!).
So, from now on they will form faculty's squad and they will fight their matches under n!'s banner.

The team consists of the following members:

n!fragge.ds Algot Backlund
n!gepetto.ds Jonas Carlsson
n!randlock.ds Yimmie Karlsson
n!boshman.ds Hjalmar Magnusson
n!hemul.ds Ludde Lorentzon
n!xone.ds Patrik Johansson
n!keeper.ds Christian Jonsson

-ds- recently finished 'DreamHack'-LAN in Jönköping, Sweden 2nd in tdm, ds' Deathlock placed third in DreamHacks' 1on1 tourney.