
I'm posting this thread to ask for your opinions on bloodrun games.

In a game opposing two roughly equally skilled players, I feel like the one who first gets in control wins most of the time.
I have seen and played many games where the first 90seconds are totally game deciding.

If the one in control plays safely, don't do stupid things, useless frag grabbing chases, and put most of its focus in staying in control, there's almost no room for the other one to take over.

I think it's more specific to bloodrun, other maps being maybe more open and harder to +back on.
Ztn seems so easy to flee on when not willing to engage, and I feel like you can spend ages in PG room to replenish and still have 3 quick exits.

I'm not talking about high level, where item challenging is something common and that is sometimes successful. Also high level players big aim might allow them to do more damages on lower stack, making them able to challenge.

But on a rather low level, (like 1300 ELO), I guess the fact that players usually aren't aim masters makes the map a bit too lockable.

In fact, it might be because locking the map and keep playing in control is a first step on the quake progression curve, and out of control play and conversions is the next one ?

Also, I might be wrong, but the fact that some weapon damages have been lowered compared to q3 has a huge impact, cause obviously you put less damages setting the very same trap in ql than in q3.

I am definitely not a good player myself and don't consider to be, but I'd really like to read some opinions on that.