Match Period 3 for HoQ Leagues CTF started 2 days ago! All the games that need to be played are listed below. You have until 24th Feb to play your matches from rounds 6, 7 and 8 so get playing! (We're adding 1 extra week due to QL's downtime)

For teams who have games from previous rounds that have been postponed or wildcarded remember to try and play them as soon as you can. There is a catch-up week at the end of the season but this should be a last resort. It is better to play them now than wait until that last week and end up with matches forced if there are scheduling problems!

Divisions: Div 1 - Div 2 - Div 3 - Div 4
Links: Hoq Leagues,, mIRC #hoqleagues, mIRC #live.ql