Scheduled: 07:15 CDT, 4 April 2010 to 15:00 CDT, 4 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

GameSports' next ZOTAC StarCraft II Beta Cup takes places next Sunday, 07:15 CDT, 4 April 2010. There's 100 € price money up for grabs and after an astonishing 706 sign-ups and the full check-in list (512 players) we will upgrade the grid to 1024 players (2048 signups) as soon as we've solved our technical difficulties. Until then we'll be running with 1024 signups and 512 checkins.

Important Note: Please check your account on the ZOTAC cup page if you really have your valid and up2date entered - we will disqualify everyone who doesn't because of the huge delays last weekend.

*Update (02:45 CDT, 2 April 2010)
We got us some sweet United States of America Day[9] action for the semifinal & final, starting at around 10:00 CDT.

Streams: United States of America Day[9] (starting approximately 10:00 CDT)
Links: Brackets, Info, Playerlist, Replaypacks of all Zotac SC2 cups, mIRC #zotac.sc2