im thinking about buying the Lachesis razer mouse...
but from what i see,deathadder is a better choise for me
the reason i want gaming mouse is
Tactical ops a game like UT99
and i play alitile bit CS...
well i use the chipes microsoft mouse
and my "PAD" is paper:o my table is steel so i cant move the mouse
i got a money for DA and for Lechasis
but i want to buy the best mouse for my goal and best PAD for the mouse...
i mean i dont want to buy a DA/Lachesis and a wrong pad...
i thinking about Destroctor pad...
if you can give me tips/advices/shit i dont know what
i trust you guys
help me do the right thing the smartest buy...
btw this is will be my first gaming gear so...:D:D good luck for me
oh and btw i hate Logtiech mouse desigen i am a Razer fan
sory for my einglish im from ISRAEL...not my main language
thanks for any respone