I've been playing video games ever since the NES, I am 21 years old now, and I became interested in first person shooters shortly after the release of Quake 2. Thats when I started playing online. I've been playing for hours every day for years, and I have watched gameplay videos of professional gamers, and I cannot at all compare my skills to theirs. How did they become so skilled? Did they do it from practice?

Or are their reflexes, hand-eye-coordination, speed, etc, neurologically "gifted" at birth. In other words the parts of their brains that are used when playing a video game are somehow wired slightly differently than other people's. And have more brain activity. And that only people with their "gift" can achieve the pro skill level. With anyone else it would be impossible to achieve simply by practice or without hacks.

If you are a pro gamer, were you "not so good" when you started playing FPS for the first time in your life? How did you achieve the skill level of a professional gamer? Please, tell me.