A personal friend of mine has recently upgraded her drug usuage from weed to pills (ectasy, not lsd) and shrooms. Now, I personally dislike drugs alot now (I used to...do some) as I feel it's a waste of time and leads you down false paths in life, so I would like maybe a few of you to relay your experiances, whether they be good or bad, but memorable ones non the least.

Personally I lost a whole group of friends to LSD, 2 are totally insane, 1 moved on to heroin, and another 2 I have no idea what happened to them. Only one of them I am still friends with, and he's... not quite who he used to be (and smokes weed between 3 and 10 times a day, gg).

Also, does anyone know what the long term effects of shrooms is? I can't find info anywhere on it, or it's very bad info. Anyway, tata! my visa application has been sent in, so I just have to wait now, and then I can buy my plane ticket.

luv ya!