Hello there!! So here is the deal, this cup will take place at 24/05/2014 and will start arround 3:00PM (UTC/GMT+01 Lisbon) we can change this if would help to get more teams to signup!!

Collide Cup will be a normal bracket system, single elimination. In case of lack of time to complete the Cup this can be continued in the day after 25/05/2014. (This depends on number of the teams and issues that may delay the games)
Example: I said EU but everyone can join!!

Team Signups here:Team SignUp
IF you want to join and dont have aTeam SIGNUP HERE=Solo Player SignUp
(I will mke some premade teams with these signed ppl)

Game Duration = 10 min
5v5 Team size
In case of draw = Golden Goal
Leaders must have steam to join a group chat to setup matches -Hackers will be banned and team disqualified
Map = Pitch Walls

Signups will close day 23/05, depending on the number of teams we will see how the tournament will run, leaders will be added on steam and will be invited to a group chat to setup matches and anwser questions or resolve problems. ** Feel Free to make suggestions!!**

Final Result of the cup will be Posted with a SS of the bracket on Reddit SupraBall!!

Original Reddit Post -> http://www.reddit.com/r/Supraball/comments/25...collision/