Seems more realistic dinosaurs did not reach extinction. Instead, they evolved into birds. Think of the factors: The planet is moving, the galaxy is moving, the rock is moving, the gravitational field is affecting the planet and the rock. The odds of an asteroid colliding with a planet are literally and figuratively astronomic.

A lot of you are work-slaves, less than communist. You think there is merit in working 9-5, 40 hours a week. I say you're assholes. Today, you make 30,000$ a year. Ten years from now, you'll make 100,000$ a year. What is the difference? Nothing, you still work 40 hours a week. Time is far more valuable than material possessions. America is not only the most material nation in the world, it is the most material place in Earth history. Does the Rhinoceros care about materialism? Instead of making more money, why not work fewer hours?

The 24 hour system has no purpose. It was derived from the rotation of the Earth. Humans care about day and night due to foolish animalism. An entire overhaul of math measurements could be in due order.