Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Remember back then, when I killed all those millions of people? That was just politics, don't worry about it.

I miss those old days of Quake 2, when I didn't care so much about winning and losing. I was just happy to be in the Q2 world. Sometimes I would play for, literally, 36 hours straight. I had lots of weed to smoke back then, when I around 16. Actually, I sold weed to buy my first computer, which I immediately used to start playing Q2. It was good weed, purple-stuff, know what I mean? Of course, maybe i'm lying, who knows.

When Q3 came out, everything became so competitive. Even though I murdered everyone in Q3, and nobody could compete, I did not enjoy it more than when I was a new loser in Q2.