Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
America is very much divided into two groups: real Americans and assholes. The real Americans are the people who came here to escape oppression, tyranny and persecution. They came here when the place was discovered. They formed the first colonies. When the United States was formed, hundreds of years later, a whole new group of people came. They didn't come to escape persecution, they came for money. In their nations, they were the poor and the hungry. What they wanted was a better life (meaning, more money).

Today, we have the same division. When Europeans look at Americans, they often see the money-crazed versions (the assholes). Real Americans would never trade liberty for security, or for money. Real Americans are perfectly intelligent enough to know, you cannot trade liberty for security and if you try you will lose both.

Will the United States let these money-driven idiots take away their liberties? They have so far, but maybe it's not too late? The money-driven immigrants don't care about freedom. They don't care about truth. They care about the size of their bank-accounts. They go on national TV and lie to everyone, spreading false propaganda, just to enhance their portfolios. They deliberately sell liberties, because liberty means nothing to them. Bunch of traitors is what they've turned out to be. People with no concern whatsoever for the values pumping blood through this nation.

This is not a normal case of immigration. A small group of immigrants, or a few here or there will merely be assimilated. This is a case where there are two major groups, two major immigrations, and done for two drastically different reasons. One was a group of brave pioneers, the other were cowardly opportunists.

Freedom is not attained through military action, as some deluded politicians want you to think. The United States is separated from hostile powers by entire oceans. Any large invading force will be spotted thousands of miles away, and subsequently nuked out of existence long before they reach our shores. Any small force can be dealt with by the people themselves, through the 2nd amendment. Which means, we must only worry about domestic threats. The biggest threat to our liberty comes from those who speak falsely, telling you they will make you safe if you surrender your freedom. If a foreign power said the same, would you surrender? Of course not, so why don't you get your heads out of your asses, stop doing the most naive, foolish thing possible (trusting government), and restore this country to its intended state of freedom?

You don't need government to protect you and your children. You can do both yourself. You can take martial arts classes. You can get a gun. You can reinforce your home, vehicle and workplace (if you're that concerned). If a cocaine-addict attacks you, shoot them in the knee-cap. If a non-cocaine-addict attacks you, shoot them in the knee-cap. And if a foreign power invades, you can fend them off yourself.

If you don't want freedom, why are you here? There are plenty of other countries to choose from. This is the problem with being rich and powerful. All these asses come looking for a piece of the pie, not caring for the values you hold dear. They don't even know your values. But they can vote. We're not going to let them steal our nation, of course. If I were them, being a bunch of cocksucking traitors, I suppose I too would be overly-concerned for my safety. I'm not saying we're going to just kill them all, even if that's what we should do. I'm just saying, you keep robbing our liberties, it will not end well for you.