Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
The communist manifesto was written after Darwin presented his theory of evolution. There couldn't have been much evolution included because Darwin's theories were only the beginning. Today, we know far more than Darwin or Marx. Why not develop a system of society, a system of government, centered around evolution? The nation should evolve, the people of the nation should evolve. Currently, religious people, who massively populate every nation on Earth, spend their lives trying to do what is moral... trying to avoid sin and acquire passage to Heaven. This is not an evolutionary way of living. In fact, it accomplishes the opposite - it makes them weaker, less able to survive. Any nation which lives in an evolutionary way can easily conquer a religious nation, or any other stagnant nation.

Every system of government currently in use, and conceived of throughout history, has no evolutionary inclusion. The society eventually denigrates, as the population evolves but the government does not. Government must then be re-built, after a violent gestation period. The government must evolve as its citizens evolve.

Religious people continue 'disbelieving' evolution, as if evolution is nothing more than another religion. Well to all the religious people, I will quote Jesus, "The truth will set you free.". This is not an issue of faith, it is an issue of proven truth. If you live in denial, you will certainly be destroyed. If enough members of a nation live in denial, the nation will be destroyed. Matter of factly, what Jesus meant is when you learn the truth about religion, you will be free from the slavery that is religion. A nation of slaves is not an evolved nation. Slaves are weak, helpless creatures. A strong nation, one capable of survival, would ensure all its members are of high-caliber.

In today's world, humans do not need strong physical traits. Today, we need strong mental traits. Any physical task can be better accomplished by machines. We do need enough intelligence to build and operate the machines. Cost is the only potential reason to use physical labor over mechanical. As we become better at making more efficient machines, the cost of physical labor will exceed the cost of mechanical. Clearly, the correct evolutionary path is to become better intellectually. Religion accomplishes the direct opposite, making you as weak-minded as possible, to ensure you cannot free yourself from slavery. When you, as a religious person, hear a conflicting idea, such as evolution, the pain you experience comes from weak-mindedness. Some religious people are so weak-minded, they will fight conflicting ideas... in childish ways, no less, such as covering their ears so they can't hear the alternative theory (these people are delusional, by definition). These religious people are clear proof religion is backwards, fit for an old world, one we leave as quickly as we can develop the faster vehicles with which to do so.

Religion is old government. A system of control, a system of slavery. They manipulate your instincts, your feelings, the ones everyone always tells you to 'trust' so much. And I agree, you should trust your instincts, especially when your instincts instruct you to give me all your money.

New governments must be scientific. They must be fully designed to evolve, and to allow for the proper evolution of society. Notions of morality should play no part, as they have no factual basis in reality. Evolution clearly disproves morality as a legitimate philosophy. There is no good and evil, there is only evolution and extinction. Crime never goes away because people live under the false dichotomy of good and evil. Psychiatrists attempt to 'cure' evil through drugs. Evil cannot be cured because it doesn't exist. What does exist is a lack of self-defense. You blame the murderer, when you could just as easily blame the murdered. If the 'victim' could adequately defend themself, the murder would not have occurred.

Government is not God. It is not magical. If someone is raping you, government will only show up when it's too late. Lot of good imprisoning the rapist does, after you've already been raped. If you could defend yourself, which an evolved creature is fully capable of doing, the rape would not have occurred. When rape-victims, and other victims of crime, can defend themselves, a government police force becomes unnecessary and crime becomes extinct.

There is no utopia. There is no heaven. There never will be. Pain and pleasure are equally necessary. As is fear and self-defense. Evolutionary societies will quickly become necessary, as unevolved nations will be unable to compete with evolved. Things must be destroyed. Space and time are limited. It is naive to think destruction can be averted, or again, is somehow evil. It is not necessary for people to rule over other people. We can co-exist, in a team-environment, quite possibly without any authority figures. It would require some degree of evolution, yes, but it is well worth it and may be necessary. Government can function to provide structure to society, and to protect a nation from other nations, without needing to protect the members of the nation from other members of the nation. What you call justice is entirely based on the religious notion of morality. No politicians, no police, no prisons... it is possible the stage could be reached. Getting there would, at least, require multiple transitional stages. An evolutionary government would account for each and every stage, altering law at the appropriate moment. On the surface, this may seem like a backwards step into nature. It is actually the very opposite. Government is expensive. The less government you have, the richer the society. The more you can invest in something like military protection. Eventually, national security could well be the only reason to retain government. Even national security could conceivably be eclipsed.

Government is like the worst corporation and religion you can imagine, combined into one entity. It has a total monopoly. It functions on rudimentary beliefs, enforcing them against your will regardless of their legitimacy. Even if we cannot fully eradicate government, we can continue, through force of evolution, reducing what government is necessary.