Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Mark Twain once said, "Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.". Add the internet to that equation and what do you get???????????????????????????? All those question marks cost me almost nothing. You see, little creatures, humanity is a chain-reaction. If I tell five people, and they each tell five, and each of those five tell 50, it's a lot of stuff. On the internet, this process is multiplied. The multiplication varies, of course, and can be further increased through normal media partners. If, through the internet, I get the message to CNN, all CNN viewers, in addition to internet people, will receive the message.

Now that you all know a little bit more than before, what do you think???????? Is the internet different than maybe you thought? More useful? How much power can be achieved through competent use of the internet? A place for nerds, or a place for those who rule the world?

Maybe I tell you these secrets because I pity slaves, and I care not for their pathetic company. I'm lonely, the war is over, and while Maggie is nice, the rest of you are a bunch of low-lifes. Slaves have uses, but good company they are not. Please, use the knowledge I give you to free yourselves. Don't listen to the idiots who tell you your lives are failures because you haven't achieved a worthless paycheck-job or gotten a girlfriend (wow, what a fucking accomplishment). Those fucks who tell you about living in your mothers basement, they think moving out of the basement is a massive victory. And you know what? That is the biggest success those 'winners' will ever have. They are true victors of 'life' since life is merely a game, to be won or lost.

The internet was created by the military, for communication purposes. What war can be waged through the internet? Winston Churchill once said, “Never make an enemy of someone who buys paper by the ton, and ink by the barrel.”. All of you can achieve more power than could ever be managed before the inception of the internet. And what do you do with this power? Strive for plusses, and the praise of random strangers?

How many of you are familiar with something called, 'The Bible'? What do you think The Bible is? It's a bunch of damn nonsense in a book. Same as the internet, but not nearly as powerful. Maybe you can learn, so I personally will not be bored out of my damned mind by a bunch of thoughtless drones. I don't care about the world, I care about my own personal boredom. Where is the challenge in beating helpless slaves?

Hahaha! I'm only kidding. The internet is nothing more than another amusement park, much like life itself. Although, I was not kidding about Maggie, she is better than the rest of you 'cause she's awesome and you are all awesome too but not as awesome as her. You might wonder who Maggie is, but you shouldn't, because you'll never know. What you should think about is what I will do to you, or rather, what Hitler and Goebbels would do, if they had access to the internet.