Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Fucking fuck. Why do people want censorship? I can somewhat understand the censoring of horrific violence, like when Iraqi's beheaded that guy. But words? How can words possibly be so bad they warrant censoring? They're all there together, in the dictionary. Should we censor dictionaries, because kids might read them (haha)? Kids care less about cursing than adults. Simple reality is, people only care about curse words 'cause some dickhead (probably religious), told them cursing was sinful or some crap like that. This caused them to shut out curse words from themselves, which led to a hypersensitivity towards curse words. It's called evolution, mother-fuckers.

The turtle did not always a shell. Why did it develop one? Obviously, to protect itself from harm that would kill it, or make it otherwise unfit to live in this world. What we should be doing is desensitizing people to cursing, by cursing as often as possible (like in Karate, when you punch the makiwara for ten years). Eventually, when people no longer give a fuck, we can stop worrying about all this retarded censorship bullshit. Most people today already don't care.

If you're talking about censorship for political purposes, it's an entirely different subject. I'm only talking about the censoring of specific words. So, while all you dickheads, with your hypersensitive bullshit, brought on by overprotective cocksuckers, continue bitching at me for causing you 'emotional distress' (fuck you), i'll be evolving. Apparently, i'm evil, because you're weak.

Not every artist is a scientist; not every scientist is an artist; some people are both artists and scientists. You want the truth, don't listen to only-artists. Above all, if you want the truth, do not listen to religious people. Thanks Honest Abe, for inspiring me.